OMG LIES, YOUR ADVERTISING INFRACTION INFRACTION INFRACTION!!!!! SOMEONE GET A MOD IN HERE TO DEAL WITH NEMI HES GONE CRAZY WITH ADVERTISING!!!!!1111ELVEN111hundred1!! LoL Well, puting a structure in the middle would throw off the hole feel to the map. So im probaly wont do that. Forge Fairys FFA sounds like it would be really fun on this map. Let me know if you guys experiment with diffrent game types, like rockets, needles, ect ect.
I'd love to do sentinel beam only, but bungie is a bunch of butt humpers, and did not allow that in game type editing for some WEIRD reason EDIT: i do plan on doing needles only, that is a really good idea...
Great map to work on those sniper skills...gotta keep moving and shooting...simple yet fun...great job!!
The thing to make note of, is it isn't a map the general public would enjoy. However, that right there would get a new user buried under a flaming mountain. Yes, it looks well made for what it is, and no, I will not personally download it. The concept is a decent one, but one that usually fails to work.
this reminds me of the last map we played in TGIF for some reason... this map sounds pretty fun so ill have to play it sometimes but right now i cant download because i reached my 100 items limit... darn bungie with the 100 custum item limit. soo unfair. lol
Penguin makes maps? sweet wtg... Interesting title, at first I could of swore the title was gay love, but upon a closer look I was glad to see it was guy. Keep up the good work penguin...
Im still curious how people love this this map D: I personally love it as much as a cheap *****. But you guys have your preferences so if you guys like it you like it. Thanks i guess. I took the gametypes off my fileshare weeks ago. But if you care just do Regualer slayer with score to 100, snipers start pistol secondary forced color orange. Thats it pretty much.
well, despite the fact of the extremely akward name it looks like a cool map, i like the flower, although it looks more like a logfire to me.. well nice job on the map!