to be brutally honest, the ship seems a bit.. sloppy. i see many rather unappealing things in the two picks you supplied, including a few spots where pieces overlap in a rather unsatisfying fashion, as well as a soccer ball sitting in easy view on the bow of the ship in what appears to be an attempt at a mac cannon. might i suggest you swap the location of the Large walkway cover below the ship to cover the soccerball instead?
Think before you say don't be too hard on him, the map is good it just needs a few improvements, the layout is top notch and though it may not be amazing but it's still a great map i think what you meant to say was that it was an amateur map, it definitely isn't a crappy one. i know you're being honest but you cannot judge a map like that as such as it isn't a BAD map you should focus on trying to put your suggestions more clearly and compliment him for effort and the layout, this map can be improved very easily, it just needs neatening up, though i do think it's fine as it is. if you wish to neaten it up then you may wish to replace bridges with building blocks therefor you don't have to worry about the overlapping of the railings and you can make the floor look more appealing and as for future maps, i'd reccomend that you add more interior space and put more furnishings inside. an exterior based ship map is cool but it feels good to be able to walk inside it. one final note, the cockpit could be improved instead of just using a bunker try making you're own, it will give you more bonus points, trust me building blocks are your friend in aesthetic maps.
STFU Yeah i know i could it could have been better but i ran out of money and even know that i planned to put more inside and improve the exterior you are correct on the note of a better bridge. BTW thank you for replying and giving me further advice. Its great when viewers comment. Oh and by the way I also didn't mean to write STFU that was there as a joke and i forgot to take it off so yeah.
Okay.. I've taken a look at the ship, and I'd have to agree with the critics of the map: not very aesthetically pleasing, or very logical in terms of floorplan. For example, you broke the golden rule in shipbuilding: NEVER use teleporters to connect parts of your ship together. it breaks the sense of immersion and disorients the player. Also, NEVER USE THE KILL BALL AS ENGINE FLARE UNLESS YOU HAVE A SHIP BIG ENOUGH TO USE IT AS ENGINE FLARE.
Trolls are great. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh yeah very nice review. This is coming from the guy who doesn't have any maps? Why don't you show me what YOU can do and the go troll on me k?
No maps? How bout these maps? UNSC Korolev UNSC Daedalus Not only do I have ships, I've got a pretty decent Arcade laying around here... Tron City: Flynn' Arcade If you were a little more observant, you'd know who you were talking to. I'm pretty sure I have a decent Idea of what I'm talking about. Like, how there's a stats thing in the profile in how you can search for all threads started by me? You're not talking to some random troll that hates your map. You're talking to someone who's known how to build a decent ship for years giving criticism, and having the **** to back that up. That guy had legitimate points. I agree with him. He was polite about his response, much more than myself, and you call him a troll over it. So who's trolling now? Note: at first I thought you were responding to me, but I still do not like how you responded to Maverik, for the reasons above. I apologize for any misconceptions presented here.
Maverik wasn't trolling, he was giving constructive criticism to you so you can improve your map. And honestly I kind of agree with him, the ship looks sloppy and rushed. The vehicles showing on top of the ship in plain sight ruins the feel of the ship. It also looks like you used small building blocks to fill in gaps, while that works, it also makes the ship look like it doesn't really fit together and sloppy.
No need to become needlessly angry. Saying stuff like this is looked down upon. Anyways, I don't think this map is crap, but I do think it could become even better than it is now. The frontal part of the ship has what seems to be a MAC Cannon? When building your MAC Cannon, I suggest you build one inside the ship interior and not the exterior. That way, it would look more aesthetically appealing. Also, for the Kill Ball, I suggest not using it as an engine flare/light, it should only work in larger ships. Other than that, if you were to improve this, interior and exterior wise, it would be a very great ship.
Ugh... I hate putting up with people like this. Look, I'm naturally a harsh critic about everything, and while this ship isn't the worst thing I've ever seen, it certainly isn't the best. I don't expect you to look up to me. My ego's not that big. My criticism comes from looking at hundreds of maps, and one problem I've found is that I was always disoriented when I went through teleporters. There was a feeling of disconnection between the rooms, and no sense of purpose to any of the rooms. This map has the same problems. When I first started with forge I was pretty noobish like everyone else. I was a bad forger. Those do exist. But through CRITICISM, learned how to become better. If your ego is destroyed by criticism, you're simply not suited to anything in the creative field. Simply put: There's a thing called growing pains. They're unavoidable. Criticism is a creative person's growing pain: if you can't take the pain, you can't gain from it. Critics like myself perform the duty of delivering these pains. I'm also a non-believer in the "If you can't say something nice don't say it at all" philosophy, as that only inhibits progress. If you disagree then say you do. but don't try to tell people how to criticize others. It doesn't help to call critics or creators idiots. Notice that I did not call jura an idiot about the errors that I see in his map, but you, for all of the "complimenting" that you stand for, call not only me, but many if not all members of the forum idiots for "not complimenting properly". You know what I call that? Being a douchebag.
i agree with biaxial, you arent the worst at forge but your not that good, the teleporters are a bad concept to use in map making, especially for a human ship. i would like to see at least one article that states the unsc have made a teleporter that functions properly, but untill i see that then your map is wrong when asthetics are an issue.
I believe you are mistaken, you seem to not understand why i said that, this is why you are an idiot: arrogance much? i dislike arrogant people. true forgers have patience with newcommers and help each other to get better, forging is not a competition, we work together to get the best out of each other, while criticism is a good thing, it needs to be backed up with proper reasoning and compliments, i sent in a really horrible map to forge hub recently, the critics complimented my map though they said it needed to be more "smoother" they then taught me how to zoom in to precisely link objects together, i left the forum having learned something, that is what i would consider a good critic but the way you and everyone else criticized him was appalling, all you said is "don't use teleporters" which is pretty dumb IMO since why shouldn't ships be linked up by teleporters, sure it's nice to have a long stairway but every forger has their own style, some people may intend on making ships with teleporters because they feel as if it would be fitting for their ship to have them, you can't judge the forgers style and what they use, you should judge them on their design, neatness and presentation and award them bonus points for the little details/innovative ideas they add, surely it's not the most innovative ship in the world but it has potential to grow from that, surely saying that it has "potential" is enough of a compliment for you because there is no doubt that he could make something much better and more appealing than that, it's all about experimenting, didn't you experiment when you made your maps? Criticism and advice helps but it only helps if the map maker is confident in his ability to forge, you are just knocking that confidence out of him. i personally do not consider myself a great forger but that is because i do not believe that forge is all about skill, it should be enjoyed and shared with others, give other maps a chance and the same may happen to you, it's like video games, if i don't like the first, I'll try the sequel and if that sucks then i'll stop playing. forge is the heart and soul of the halo community, do not turn it into a silly contest or in 10 years time we will have major league everything and by then newcomers will probably be rejected like DOTA (yes games have gone that far).
I'd like to clear up a few points about my earlier post, and my lack of maps. Firstly, i do not troll. I posted, only to point out the major flaws that would have been pointed out by anyone else who spotted them. Secondly, i admit, i have not posted maps, however, i have downloaded several, as well as having a ton of maps on my hard drive. I would post the ones i made if i had a good enough connection, but the only times i have actually had an opportunity to play on live to test them beforehand since receiving my 360 have been short, and packed densly with matchmaking games and whatnot in games i do not have an opportunity to play online otherwise. In the near future, however, i will be able to post, and i think you will find that i have the skill to know what im talking about when i give criticism.
Thanks for clearing that up. I respect how polite you are in this situation and understand that you may or may not have trouble uploading maps of your own. Maybe I did misconceive your review as trolling but please, when you have the time or ability, upload your best map to compare. Thanks .
First of it looks like a good map, but I can not really tell based on the two pictures but really good for your first map post, if you have problems there is a place on under the new posts button and it shows you how to put you maps up.
Yes it's okay i'm a big boy i know how to post maps and I did have more pics but they were corrupted.
Don't let the critics put you down man i downloaded the map and took a detailed look at it, the map definately isn't bad, i found it kinda cozy personally, but my advice to you is don't post your maps on forge hub, many of the people on this forum are "spoiled" they only approve of the best of the best here, perhaps you should get some vids of your maps up and get some publicity on youtube or submit it to one of the forge submitters, you will impress way more people than you will on this site. take my advice when you're forging and take the advice of the other critics then move on. forge hub has expectations which have to be met for every map that has been made and thus i do not post my maps to forge hub, though some of the critics here are helpful, there are some who are just plain arrogant and they do not understand that good effort = potential, thus they do not compliment those who try hard and only whine about silly things like teleporters and give no constructive critisism, in fact me and maverick are the only ones who criticized properly and though i don't agree with his opinion, he at least provided some advice to help you make you map. BiaxialEMPORER is just being arrogant, unhelpful and opinionated, ignore him, your maps are as good as his, you just have a differrent style to him and he isn't man enough to accept it. you should focus on developing your style, it looks really good, though if you plan on making a future ship map, you may wish to add some objects inside the rooms. i know i'm a bit over the top with this but i'm disgusted with biaxialEMPORER's comments on your map, he's given this forum an overall bad impression to me though i know that's not true because there are lots of nice people on here too. and no i'm not taking this personal, i'm just trying to be reassuring here.
This map is actually really good but the way I know is that i need to download so i can see the was the ship looks on the inside.