Tired of running??? Don't you just feel like standing still and shooting with the occasional crouch!! Do you ever get tired of those pesky moles taunting you!! So wouldn't you love to Snipe-A-Mole??? Well now you can!! Just download the map and gametype and invite some friends and have the time of your life!! Endless hours of fun with this really simple game... Look at this really intricately designed map!!! What are those cones there for you ask?? To keep those pesky moles in their holes!! I know it fun in the hole but don't just stay there!! Stand up and shoot already!!! YouTube - Top Ten Contest!!!! And Snipe-A-Mole!!! The video also includes my Top Ten Contest... you can submit one map into each category... to see the categories then look in the video description!!
This is engenius! Very nice post by the way, I understood the gameplay right off the bat. Very nice looking map too, and I cannot wait to try it out. But I can already tell there aren't going to be any problems so Ill just go ahead and congratulate you. Great job!
This map looks like it is so fun, you did a spectacular job on creating this map. The idea for this map is so awesome, I like that you have a spartan lazer, and a sniper. The name goes perfectly with the map idea. I can't wait to play this because, I am downloading it now.
Be sure to download the gametype!!! I'm getting a lot of messages from people saying the game doesn't work... and then I ask if they downloaded the gametype and they're like...."oh"...lol... so be sure to download the gametype too and thanks for all the positive feedback!!!
A very fun and addicting game but the spartan lasers seem unnecessary since you can't really charge up and fire while on the battlefield. I suppose you could charge it up while crouching and then get up at the last second, but it still seems iffy. The only other complaint I have about this map is very annoying: it happens when someone gets killed and their weapons lie on top the platform and sometimes that prevents people from sniping because weapons are in their way. Once, I even became a sitting duck because I was surrounded by dropped weapons and couldn't snipe anyone on either side of me (I was in a corner). Having a weapon obstruct my line of sight has happened almost every other game but it isn't a big enough issue to change my opinion in that this is a very innovative and fun game yet so simple.