Grifendor Without further delay, I present my fourth Grifball map, Grifendor! For those who aren't aware, my Grifball maps have been praised very highly thanks to the wonderful feedback from you guys here at ForgeHub. These maps are still waiting to be reviewed so hopefully you guys will be able to enjoy these maps in matchmaking. Im also working on my 5th, and probably my best Grifball map to date, its gona change the way you play Grifball. Maybe not drastically but itl definately spice things up for the Grifball community, along with the gametype im working on for it so stay tuned, it should be finished by tomorrow! Hope you enjoy! And keep an eye out for my latest map tomorrow!
THIS IS AMAZING. its like a visual orgasm all over the place. its beautiful. but do the one way shield doors make you bounce because they can do that sometimes
nope, there low enough so that they dont make you bounce at all, give it a try and see, and im glad you like it lol
This map is so epic, this looks so complex and awesome, it looks like some sort of forerunner or covenant grifball field. Your design is so fantastic, it has great amount of color its not bland and boring, it so cool, your idea for a grifball map is so nice. I think this map should be put in halo reach matchmaking. I'm going to download this and I can't wait to play. Good job on the map.
What object is the spawning floor made of? Oops, sorry that I forgot to tell you how amazing this map looks!
Has anyone ever though about acctually making an interesting Grifball map? One that plays slightly differently, maybe ramps or something? This map may look slightly different from the hundreds of other maps but its really just the same.
thats been tried many times but those maps are unsuccessfull, the problem with halo reach is fall damage, if the ramps are too steep ull die if u jump in the center or ull get weakened