I'm making a small infection map and I need some help/inspiration building a couple of small boats. not sure about what pieces to use etc. if you want to help me in forge heres my GT: DeStarfighter
If you can make the floor with just about anything. Make the sides with slanted flat peices, the bow can be made using inclines placed upside-down. If it's a sail boat, used a decoration rail or colums fo the mast and then more inclines for the sail, (1x2 works best for both incline situations) If it's a motor boat, add a antenia small upside-down and mostly in the water at the stern of the ship. Hope this helps, I got this from a freinds MLG map that he showed me, It has a dock theme and will be posted soon
thanks, I will try this out and see if I can make something epic of this. I think this map avtually will be quite different from the average infection "shark tank" maps. found a area out of bounds in forgeworld where you can walk/drive on the bottom of the ocean. will post a preview soon
Here's a small speedboat I made as a phase 2-3 forward spawn for one of my invasion maps. Hope it helps. You can check out the map and reverse engineer it at http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/113892-where-eagles-dare.html