It is a large map that is in Blood Gultch and when i played on it with other people they really loved it. From what i played if you get a full lobby it should be nonstop action from there so if you would like to play it with me send me a friend request (Capt Dna Donut) on Xbox Live and i will try to get a lobby started around 4 PM Eastern time 4/25/11 hope to see you there. Most of the spawn points are in the buildings so there won't be any spawn kill. Invasion will be coming soon.
looks like a great btb map! i can't really see anything wrong with it only one thing you should add more spawnpoints cause from the map it looks like there aren't many of them :/
Map looks great, I like the middle tunnel/bridge structure that you made, good amount of cover and building. I agree with raptororieon you should add more spawn points. I will give this a download and check out the map.
I've played this map many times with the OP and if you can get a full party together it is a great map.