Trash Pit

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Negrumir, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    So there I was, sitting on my butt thinking "what should I do right now?"

    Not a good start to anything really but I think this might be an exception.
    I was messing with Powerhouse and thought the center pool would be cool for an arena gametype. The problem is that it's really small so if it was a kill-focused gametype it would be terrible unless I was a genius when I designed it. Well that didn't happen so I spontaneously came up with this. As my first attempt at a custom gametype, please excuse my shortcomings.

    Basically it's King of the Hill, Crazy King type. Only the "Hill" is the inside any one of five dumpsters placed in the arena. You spawn with a Gravity Hammer (I used a golf club) and four grenades. Damage is extremely minimal because the point isn't to kill people. You either smash with you club or toss a grenade to flip the Dumpsters open so you can jump inside and start scoring points. Once inside, smashing around with your club will likely flip you over or shut the hatch to prevent others getting in (but it may dump you out as well). Naturally, others will be trying to do the same thing so it may prove extremely difficult to even get into a hill. I've only tried this with one rather poor player and we frequently went through a couple hill moves before either one of us got in a dumpster.

    The settings.
    Unlimited ammo.
    25% Damage.
    150% Damage resistance.
    No assassinations.
    Hill movement time: 30 seconds.
    Score to win: 100.
    Time limit: 10 minutes.

    There are grenades placed all around the map to ensure you always have some for throwing (why don't we have an unlimited grenades option anyhow?) And plenty of other boxes, small dumpsters, chairs, cones, etc placed about the arena to simply add to the insanity. Spawns are placed a few feet above the ground to make sure people don't re-spawn inside or in the path of the junk that will undoubtedly get chucked about the map at random.

    It is possible that a dumpster could get knocked out of the map, don't worry, it'll instantly reset and the hill will move. What's odd is that if a hill moves due to being out of the map, it doesn't reset the 30 second hill move time. This occasionally lines up close with the hill move timer and has the hill move multiple times in quick succession. Further still, the above instance occasionally lines up with the dumpster's reset time as well. Basically, you might bump into the hill moving 2,3 or maybe more times in quickly succession. It's not really a problem.

    Some pictures: The first one is really all you need to know about the map, the rest are for laughs.
    The map.
    Inside a dumpster.
    Action shot.
    Yes, teabagging.
    More action.

    If you find anything wrong with the map or mode, let me know.
    I'd like to know how (or if) this works with 8 players, maybe even two teams of 4. I have this faint hope that could make it into the action sack playlist. Of course, none of that would be possible if it doesn't work for up to 8 people.

  2. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is the funnest looking king of the hill Ive ever seen I am going to download right now and I can wait to play. I like that the hills are dumpsters, that is a very original idea that you have, good job.
  3. DustofEnceladus

    DustofEnceladus Forerunner

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    I've been waiting for something interesting and fun that uses dumpsters! I'll have to check this out when I get onto my xbox.
  4. VIP3R0X

    VIP3R0X Forerunner

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    you sir are a genius first minigame iv seen outside of forgeworld i applaud you
    clap clap clap....
  5. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome. I just love how you made that using the simplest tools that exist.
    Also Kudos for a non-Forge World Map.
  6. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    great idea man it's awesome to see people do something deferent from others and this is just cool as hell! keep it up man!
  7. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Cool and original
    good job :)
  8. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    Thanks guys. Is this really the only minigame outside of Forge world? I would've thought someone would've made something by now...

    Whenever I get a proper sized game on it, I'll post up a video.

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