Remake Foundation

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Xsjados, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    Installation (Foundation)

    This is my remake of foundation it is called Installation. I made this map as accurate as possible to the original also all hiding spots are here room 1 room 2 and even crates in room 4 to block the door for infection. I also made this map while in halo 2 vista just to get every thing perfect.

    I wrote the numbers on each wall to tell you what number base each room is i also made every base a particular color. Room 1 is Red Room 2 is Orange Room 3 is Blue and Room 4 is Green. This map is jet pack friendly top of map has soft death barriers. All weapon placements are the same except i added 4 needler rifles under the numbers on the wall and insted of 2 needlers next to each other i put 1 spike and 1 needler on each side.

    weapon list
    • 2 DMRs (2 spare clips)
    • 4 Needle Rifles (2 spare clips)
    • 4 Magnum (2 spare clips)
    • 2 Shotgun (1 spare clip)
    • 1 Energy Sword
    • 2 Rocket launcher
    • 2 Needler (2 spare clips)
    • 2 Spikers (2 spare clips)
    • 2 Mounted Machine Gun
    • 10 Frag Grenades
    • 8 Plasma Grenades
    • 4 health packs
    • 4 Plasma Repeater replaces smgs
    • 7 fusion coles all in there proper place




    room 2

    room 1
    #1 Xsjados, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011

    XBG SICK Forerunner

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    This is a good remake i loved foundation and you have definately captured the essence of this great map.Btw your name makes me think you might skate i skate Razors. If you dont skate its pretty random cos xsjado is a skate brand.add me online
  3. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Another re-make...Well, you did a really good job I have to say. This remake feels bright and colorful. The forging looks very very neat and you've seemed to really try to capture all of the little things about Foundation that make it special. I also really like the name you came up with for this map. I enjoyed foundation a lot and this re-make looks the neatest so far. Keep it up and welcome to Forgehub.
  4. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    I'm going to download and run through it, but from looking at your pics I can say the rooms look really neat- I like that you included the upper portions for jumping up into- but the center structure composed of 4x4 corners looks much bigger than the original Halo 2 structure.

    I actually just did a Foundation remake. You should download and compare it.
  5. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the comment im glade you like the map and yes i do skate xsjados one of my friends just turn pro for razors wich is funny and onther one of my friends is flow for remz

    Edited by merge:

    Thank yo very much im glade someone noticed all the litle things

    Edited by merge:

    ya i know what you mean when o look at pics of the map in halo 2 i thought the same thing put when i was on vista making it seem the same size. mine is a little bigger but i think that its better that way because every thing els is just to small
    #5 Xsjados, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
  6. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    So I ran through your map.

    The rooms feel great. The walls outside the rooms feel a little to wide, which is fine as the usual 4x4 blocks that are used don't feel wide enough- finding middle ground on that part is probably hard, and probably not necessary for the map to play well. The turret platforms feel a bit too large. Your stairs feel right, but the bases of the opposing stair come too close together... maybe you need to make them slightly more steep, or just extend the length of that side of the map a bit.

    And the center structure is too large if you were trying to replicate the size of the original. But I really like your method for making it recessed below the floor. Feels a lot like the original.
  7. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map turned out fantastic, Im sure anyone who helped is also very happy with the way it came out ;)
  8. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    ha ha thank you for helping me with the map puddin
  9. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
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    It was my pleasure to help, I only hope that everyone else will love this map as much as I do. Its my opinion that in a sea of many, this Foundation remake is truly the best
  10. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    thank you im glade you think so
  11. Fronk the Fish

    Fronk the Fish Ancient

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    Awesome map xsjados! The detail in this map is phenomenal! It plays great with CTF and Multi-Team. I like the fact that it's open (as opposed to many other failed remakes) and that it isn't cluttered or distracting with unnecessary objects.

    Overall I think that this is the best remake of Foundation. Looking forward to more maps!
  12. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    thank you very much im glade you like the map and noticed all the details

    Edited by merge:

    well the thing with the center structer is that everyone does it the same and makes it to small and its just a death trap and no cover with mine its a little bigger than the one in halo 2 so that way i can put more detail in to and also more cover you know what they say bigger is better ha ha
    #12 Xsjados, May 4, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  13. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Foundation was by far my favorite map for infection! The rooms were set up perfectly to defend, something that no other halo map has captured! I have downloaded several foundation remakes, yet every time I come away wanting more! A good majority of the remakes are cluttered when it comes to the rooms. furthermore, in most of the remakes its hard to differentiate the rooms. This is not so in your map! Your detail to the rooms is stunning! Some how you pulled of the little things without making it look cluttered, and for that you have my respect! I can't wait to get some games on this bad boy!
  14. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    Thank you so much for the nice comment im really glade you liked it and noticed all the little things.

    I know what you mean though there are so many remakes of this map out there that are just not good thats what made me decided to make this map.

    Sadly though as good and as some people say perfect this one is it's also not as popular as all the other ones that aren't as good i hope that changes soon because i would really like to get this in the classic playlist.

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