Bullet Train

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by lllROCKlll, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    BULLET TRAIN - This is my version of a 26th century high-speed rail train. The map also includes the on-loading and off-loading docks as well as the crane for switching the front control unit.

    It’s a Mag-Lift frictionless rail system with two sets (front and back) of 4 Ion engines for low speed and gradual acceleration and one main Ion Thrust engine for high speed travel. Top speed on land is 600 mph and 350 mph under water. That’s right, in the 26th century the technology is such that trains can travel high speed safely underwater without the need for tunnels. (See below)

    NOTE: I posted the complete map on this one. Unlike the last two I posted, there’s no YIKES! factor surprises in this map. I would’ve, but this map doesn’t really have one.

    Train, Tracks, Passenger Docks and Control Unit Crane

    Control Unit:
    This is the front end Control Unit. The unit is unmanned and remotely controlled. In the center is a combination head light, long range track-obstruction sensor and force field generator.

    For underwater travel the field generator projects an invisible sonic vortex force field out in front of the train. This cone shaped field creates adequate open space for the train with the minimum of turbulence to the surrounding water and surface, or harm to aquatic life. It also creates a connecting visible magno-electric cylindrical field back its length, which replaces the need for tunnels.

    Also, a modern version of what looks like an old time cowcatcher, which is seldom if ever needed. The aerodynamic shape creates down draft that helps keep the train firmly aligned on the tracks and diverts any disruptive airflow from beneath the tracks to the sides.

    On top front of the Control Unit it has one varible range visible light camera and beside it a long range infra red camera. Directly on top (not shown in this pic) are the 4 Crane attachment hard points for switching the control unit from end to end.

    Loading/Unloading Bay:
    Passengers embark and disembark at the two separate docks facilities through this one central passenger bay.

    Two passenger docks makes for a smoother flowing and less congested process. These docks lead to underground transportation points for private transportation or other means of mass transit. In the 26th century underground and underwater travel are the most common means to travel providing safer and faster travel. This leaves much more land and water area for productive and environmentally friendly uses.

    The Crane:
    As the train pulls in it momentarily stops at the crane where the front control unit is connected to the 4 hard points, detached and rotated out of the way. The train then automatically pulls forward for passenger unloading. As the passengers unload the crane spins the unit 180 degrees and rotates the control unit around to the new front end and it’s attached. The train then pulls forward for the loading of new passengers at the loading dock.
    Cylindrical Force Field:
    You can turn this on by moving very close to the Train’s center head light in Forge mode, (the Ball). If you want to turn it off, head directly West over to the cave and move close to the Capture Plate I have hidden out of sight.

    Mag-Lift System:
    The Conductor sections (Long Railings) are evenly space along the tracks so that at any one time the train’s guide rail sections are making at least two points of contact, one on each side. The guide rails are fixed to the outer skin and with the 26th century technology of flexible metals the outer skin of the train sections themselves will stretch or contract on curves, thus turning the rails as well. Then, as the track straightens out again they conform back into their original shape and position.
    #1 lllROCKlll, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  2. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    nice work man! this train looks awesome.
    how much budget is there left? actually think this could be a great competetive map with some modefications ^^
  3. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks absolutely great, really great concept there, I musta' spent 15 minutes looking at just the front of the train, does it really support slayer? if not its cool, still an amazing aesthetic piece keep them coming.
  4. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello rock! Wow this is looking awesome. A great deal has gone in and it shows and has payed off. The train is looking really good, i love the front of it, how you have made a pattern out of the round inclines, a really nice touch. Will be taking a closer look. Great work
  5. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Star, I appreciate the comments. I'd have to look again on the budget but I think there is a little left. Anyway if you DL, you'll know. Please do, modify away if you want. So far all my maps have been Aesthetic and I doubt if that will change anytime soon, I just really like to Forge stuff, different stuff... strange stuff. ROCK

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks Ociee for checking out my map and the nice comments. If ya check out timmypanic's maps you'll see where I got the inspiration for that front end. I was even amazed at how it looked once I put in the last piece and stood back to look.

    I think any map supports Slayer. I put that on there because I think you have to select at least one game type when you post. You'd just have to move the Spawns around is all, I've got em set for just intial viewing right now.

    Yeah, I will keep em coming, got another new one I'm posting in the morning. Another map with a hidden WTF factor in it and a battle action scenario. I don't post very often because I'm woking on 3 or 4 maps at one time and don't post till I get em all pretty much done. ROCK

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks Tim, I appreciate the most downloaded Forger on Bungie taking a look at my maps. Going into your maps and taking them apart paid off on that front end, thanks. I'm trying to create what you might call scenarios in 3 out of 4 of these new maps in stead of posting a single creation, like in my past maps. ROCK
    #5 lllROCKlll, Mar 15, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  6. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    This is honestly one of my favorite aesthetic map, but did it ever cross your mind to set it up for Invasion or Big Team? It would be very interesting and I bet you could do it with your forging skills.
  7. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Squid, I'm glad it made your best maps list. Yep, probably would Squid, but I'm pretty much just an Aesthetic map maker, never made a competitive gametype map, maybe some day down the line. But, if anyone wants to convert any of my maps to a gametype I'd like to see em. ROCK
  8. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I have always loved trains and this forge is the best train I have seen on here. the track must have taken a while to get that slight curve to look good, and the front looks crazy cool! I will download this and check it out when I get home. Nice job Rock!
  9. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Tall, I appreciate the comments and checking out my map. Yeah, that curve was a lot of editor plus eye ball work to get right, same thing on the down slope on the other end. That one thing about Aesthetic maps, a lot of free hand stuff. That front end was the result of going in and tearing timmypanic's maps apart, not hard but you need a little patience.
  10. Collateral Rage

    Collateral Rage Forerunner

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    The train track itself makes it look suuper realistic. The front of the train freaks me out/turns me on. The unique shape just just creates a name for itself that will always have people rememebr what map you made. Keep up the good work yo.
  11. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks Rage I appreciate your comments. That front end is definitely the key piece to the map but I was hoping there was something about each of my last four maps that would be memorable, HA!

    Anyway, I covered the air, land, sea and under sea vehicles and scenarios in the last four... only one place left to go...? Working on it now.

    I'm usually working on at least three maps at once but lately I've been doing re-fits of the Halo 3 maps, Guardian, Construct, The Pit and Narrows. My group looked over every map we could find and picked the best of each one for me to re-fit and bring as close to the original size and look, plus correct weapons placement, spawn points and spawn times so we can to play normal Matchmaking Lone Wolf and Slayer games. Guardian and Construct are done with each taking about 8 or more hours of reconstruction work. They were damn good maps to start with, now... they're just better and "we think" the best ever done.
  12. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    ROCK dude this map is truly amazing. I DL and liked this map a while back when I was brand new to forge so sorry about the late comment. Just wanted to let you know that what makes this map great isn't just the amazing detail to the train, crane, and track it's the fact that you took the time to develope a story behind it too. The description for this map and your other maps is a HUGE + in my book. Keep up the great work man.
  13. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Delta. I appreciate you checking out my map and the great comments. Well, the scenario or action scenario map is becoming sort of a niche for me it seems. I hadn't seen too many and I like the brain work of trying to create a story in a map and making it work. I usually don't have a scenario when I start, just a main piece, then a story develops around it. Thanks again. - ROCK
  14. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    The fiction was very interesting behind this project, and I enjoyed reading the post.
    There were a number of interseting features that also easily cought the viewers' eye, such as the gear system on the loading crane as well as guard rail in front of the train.
    Good use of the forge objects.
    I hear this often "you will have to run out of things to forge soon" In truth a creative mind will never run out of ideas. And this goes for you as well from what I've seen. Looking forward to what you'll surprise us with next.
  15. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    That looks absolutely incredible!
    You must have used a load of the budget on the front.
    It all looks like it belongs, no silly lasers or anything.
    Very nice.
  16. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks broc for the compliment. No, it didn't take too much budget to make that front end, just time. I try to make things look like they're structurally right and sound and keep em in the physics of the real world a bit. Thanks again for checking out my map. - ROCK

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