hey guys.finally did the decent thing and signed up. as a massive halo fan im consistently blown away by what this community produces, and hopefully in future i can be a part of that. my gamertag is leroy getz so anyone who wants to play customs or test maps just send me a friend request. i play hard but fair and never forget that at the end of the day its just a game. im also a kick ass warthog driver!
Roche is already here (if barely) and I'm afraid there is a strict rule that only 1 Irish member may be active on Forge Hub at one time. I would advise contacting him as soon as possible to arrange a fight to the death, the outcome of which will determine who is allowed (or rather able) to stay on our fine site. May the fates look fondly upon you.....
WOAH WOAH WOAH, slow down there. If the fate of all Irish people on this site is being threatened, I too would like a chance to participate in this fight to the death. Welcome to forgehub
hey guys thanks for the welcome.apologies for the delay posting, the dog ate my laptop power cord, honest! as for a fight, well roche im from limerick city so do your worst lol. anyways i hop to sign up for the next tgif night, hopefully i can demonstrate my total lack of skill then!