Islova 3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ARcHiTeCT117, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. ARcHiTeCT117

    ARcHiTeCT117 Forerunner

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    Islova 3.0

    Created By
    ALG Saint
    DHG Redemption7

    Ispiration from Halo CE campian caused the creation of this map we wanted to bring back the old halo 1 architectury in the map and well I think we accomplish the feat this map has been tested many times and edit to perfection the first version was made back in november and now its edit to perfection

    INFO-there is a large cave in the map that leads you back to the center Its only accesable on objective type games and FFA slayer

    Weapon List

    Assult Rifle-2
    Grenade Launcher-2
    Rocket Launcher-1
    Needler Rifle-2
    Plasma Pistols-2
    Energy Sword-1

    Most spawn times and clips have been edited

    Here is exactly 16 screen shots of the map its self starting with the lay out then the spawn areas next the cave and finally custom screenshots of the map its self

    Lay out

    Red Spawn area

    Blue Spawn Area

    Turrets for each team​

    Red team turret

    Blue turret


    Red Sniper

    Blue sniper

    The cave​

    Enter and exit views-Also center of the map​


    Main cave​




    Then finally your out of the cave agian​


    Multiple screen shots of the whole map​






    Thanks for the support everyone Big thanks to the DHG community for helping test it multiple times

    Feed back will be greatly appreciated


    A (LINK)-Download
    #1 ARcHiTeCT117, Apr 24, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  2. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map looks great I LOVE that it is so natural and wild with all the trees! Great work man, keep it up! :D
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please use some punctuation. The first paragraph(?) was hard to get past.

    The things that really stand out to me in this map are the architecture, I honestly feel that you did a good job with that, meaning how you tied it together so well. But I don't really understand what you meant when you said "Halo CE Architecture", do you mean as in Forerunner? Most maps have that sort of feel, and people usually try to strive away from that. But you took it one step in the opposite direction, and to me made it fell more run down and abandoned; though that's mainly because of your choice on location.

    Anyway, it says you have it set up for Juggernaut, and the limit is 16, so I hope to get a game of that going next time I have a large party of people.
  4. Blindsid3r

    Blindsid3r Ancient

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    Wow. I have been waiting for a map like this to come along for quite a while now. The awesome layout, and just the overall idea is super impressive. Im downloading asap

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