
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    (a very similar concept as above)

    Pretty simple, stuff falls from the sky, and you have to compete to complete the objective. Pretty much everything that is movable in reach is set-up to fall on you, Scorpions, camping stools, Warthogs, Revenants, you name it, it falls. One big thing to note is that there are two ways to play Tetris, you can play King of the Hill, or you can play Oddball. I'll get into the gametypes later, but for now, I'll show some general screenshots.

    (a straight up view of the tube (It goes past the soft barrier))

    (right above hemmorage looking towards the Island (the tower is built in-between the Island and the Quarry))

    Theme A (KOTH)

    Infinite jetpacks, Infinite Concussion Rifle ammo, and hills that move throughout the tower. Try to push your opponents out of the hill and score points to gain the lead. There's really not too much to explain... but I'm sure a video will help!

    YouTube - Halo: Reach Tetris

    Pictures, for those who didn't watch the video



    Theme B (Oddball)

    Oddball is more similar to the original Tetris than the KOTH variant is, because Oddball is about climbing to the top of the tower to grab the oddball! With that in mind, the pictures will do better at explaining the game than I will. But sadly, there is no video, well... I made a video, but it didn't give you the same feeling watching it, that you got playing it, so I just deleted it.



    There you go
    Well, I really thought I would put more into this post... but well, its a minigame, and any good minigame, needs no explaining! so Download! and have fun!

    Tetris Map

    Theme A (KOTH)
    (If you're only going to download one, Theme A is better)

    Theme B (Oddball)

    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
  2. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Holy shi- This is like, Super Tetris or something. The tunnel is just so very huge. I don't think I'll like the KOTH variant as much as I'll like the Oddball version. I downloaded another remake similar to yours not to long ago, but this looks a lot longer, like a whole lot, and I think this is going to blow that version out of the water.

    But for Theme B, is there still someone pushing stuff down the hole or is everyone trying to get the skull? (Probably a stupid question)
  3. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    lol the simplicity of the game is one of its greatest aspects. This game was so much fun and done perfect, if I was to recommend something though it would be to add some cool aesthetics, but heck this map even without it is GREAT!!! :D
  4. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    Finally MetaWaddleDee has brought back Tetris! Oh how long I have been waiting for this moment... because Tetris IS my favorite mini game. I'm sure you already know I made the "Remake" and the "Revamped" version, but those just took those basic elements from Halo 3, and could still be played for the good memories. But this is Halo Reach, and I'm sure the original creator knows a lot about how to bring back Tetris but with Jet packs! I love it, I am beyond excited to try these gametypes out. Later ill post a full review of each gametype, and will definitally play this during my TGIF party so I can get the most out of each.

    All I can say for now is, ITS ABOUT TIME!
  5. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    META, WE SHALL PLAY THIS MORE OFTEN, BECA-- ... un-caps, I wasn't looking at my monitor while typing, ...because it is completely awesome. I love the fact that you're incorporating gametype labels to make the map more dynamic, yet another amazing minigame here, bro.

    And I've yet to get to the Oddball... o_O
  6. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    So I decided to play this with 6 people and not my TGIF lobby for the review because the thread description says the max players is 8.

    But anyway, I love it! The Theme A version was awesome. I love the fact that the hills change and constantly bring different difficulties to the chamber. I also love the item spawns you have, with an occasional tank here there, even a kill ball haha. Knocking the players out of the hill with different weapons means that its also a fight for knocking other players out of the hill, aside from watching out for the deadly falling items. Great job!

    The other gametype, "Theme B", I would honestly have to say its nowhere near as fun as theme a. Players often couldn't multi task watching for incoming objects while slowly climbing to the top. If I were you, I would have just scrapped the Theme B gametype and only kept the king of the hill variant.

    As a side note- I am very dissapointed you named your gametypes theme B and Theme A. Obviously they are NOT the same "Theme" as H3. I mean you got two gametypes with the same name, but one is smaller and made for infection. The other is as tall as a skyscraper and made for jet packs and KoH. Also keep in mind I have tetris gametypes named theme A and B, that are somewhat well known. It would have worked out the best if you only had the king of the hill version and have that named something like Theme C. In fact, its so good you could have named it Theme X. That way players wouldnt be confused over the other gametypes that currently already exist.

    In summery, this is definitely worth my recommend, and I will play this a lot during my custom playlists. 10/10
  7. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Originally my Tetris started out with Three separate games inside of it, It had an Invasion gametype (Theme C) where it very closely resembled the original game, It was technically impressive with the floor dissapearing and kill barriers going in and out in different phases, but it just wasn't any fun to play with the objects too high and no antagonist. The next gametype was intended to be a race upwards, (Theme B) it was originally just jet packs upwards onto platforms to reach the oddball, but there are many complications with how individuals use the jetpack, so I had a couple of people play that when one person said (Reflex Ion) "why not have a foot-race?". So I tweaked the design, and got a gametype that I think is pretty fun. The third gametype was supposed to be a survival gametype (Theme A) where there is a hill encompassing the entire map and last one alive wins, but that's no fun, so I made a bunch of little hills that people had to run to, but that was also no fun, so I deleted the floor and made the current theme A.

    Basically what I'm getting at with my gigantic run on sentences, is that I've tweaked these three concepts (Competing, Racing, And Progression) into three different gametypes, and I made the three best gametypes I could out of my concepts. However, only two of theme were good enough to publish, and I know that Theme A is far superior to Theme B.

    But the reason that they're named Theme A and B dates back to the Original game, where you could chose the song, Theme A or Theme B. And I honestly had no Idea what you called your gametypes in your maps...Sorry.
  8. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    I remember playing this in the invasion version of this like... a month ago. I had lots of fun in it and now when this came out, you made the Tetris experience a hell lot better than what it used to be. I had more fun in Halo 3 but still, I think more people will enjoy this one because there is a lot of new people on this site that probably never even played the orignal Tetris. Well my favorite aspect of the game is the fact that its free-for-all. I felt that was more enjoyable for the new members. Good work Meta!
  9. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    how did you post your video?
  10. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    I miss the infection game type it was a lot more fun than this >.> the oddball and koth gametypes are not very fun to play at all
  11. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

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    I played something very similar to this earlier, but it was an infection variant and the zombies were trapped in the tunnel and the humans had to hit stuff down the hole to create a blockage over the zombies whilst the zombies tried to climb up. Any relation?
  12. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Perhaps, who made it? what was it called?
  13. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    I think you already know the answer... -.-

    I told you it was already well known.
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    It easily could be your game, but he did say Humans so it might not be.

    But that's why I was asking him, it could be yours, or it could be another map.

    P.S. I've seen three different maps that fit his description.
  15. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Soooo this map is a pretty cool bro that doesn't afraid of anything.

    But in all srsness, I really do love Theme A. I'm glad that I got to help and test as much as I did, and it's good to see Tetris see the light of day on the forums. I'll be playing it for ages to come.
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    How does frame rate hold up in this gametype? Looks like a ton of fun, I'm a bit ashamed I haven't played it yet!
  17. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Framerate holds up very well on this map, considering what is happening on it, It only rarely drops a notch but it never becomes unplayable.

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