
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wings Of Icarus, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. Wings Of Icarus

    Wings Of Icarus Forerunner

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    Well, this is my first sig... I saw one on another site that I liked and decided to make one. Thoughts?

  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Wow, not bad for your first sig. Things I can pick out:
    -The bottle is a bit too blurry
    -Flow isn't great, the lines on the right intersect with the cloud lines
    -I find the pink on the left rather distracting along with the bright circles (possible lower the opacity)

    Otherwise, the color scheming is nice, the focal is pretty clear (imo) and the lighting isn't bad.

    But seriously, nice sig. I can't say my first was half as good as this.
  3. Zathura

    Zathura Forerunner

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    I'm unfamiliar with the character, so maybe I don't know what I'm looking at, but he seems like he could be a wee bit more visible. I like the color scheme a lot though. That's not something I see all the time, and it's refreshing.
  4. Wings Of Icarus

    Wings Of Icarus Forerunner

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    Thanks for the uh, feedback, guys

    stock, for anyone who cares.

  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    There's a vertical line (slight change in brightness) going down from the peak of his hood that looks like it shouldn't be there. It looks like the edge of one of the c4ds on low opacity that you could just blur to get rid of the line. It's insignificant enough that without the sudden change there would be no way to notice.
  6. MetalForgere

    MetalForgere Forerunner

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    If that´s your first sig, I will cry, my first sig was .. well .. a powerful assault of brushes and a render in the top .. so , this is pretty cool, I think that erico gave you the best tips so I´ll try to add a couple things:
    something that everyone forgives when is starting in this is being careful with the color schemes and the text, try to don´t be monochromatic (that means using the same color in the whole sig, in this one I see that you use some variations and that makes it looks nice, but try to hit all the colors, for example, a nice gradient for a vintage effect may be Blue > Red > Orange > White, there are a lot of variations for that), and about the text, well you didn´t used it so that´s nice, a lot of sigs may look better without text but some other have some dead space that claims for text, in this one you can add something like "Wings of Icarus" in the left side in order to keep the flow of the design, but that theme ERIC0 already touched it.

    I think I can see what you made here, and if that´s your first sig that´s pretty cool, did you used any tut?.
  7. Wings Of Icarus

    Wings Of Icarus Forerunner

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    Thanks for the critique man,

    Yeah, this is my first one, I think it turned out pretty decent.

    Actually, using too many different colors is horrible practice, as it destroys the cohesion that an image may have. Using a wide range of colors in a general theme would be a great idea, but using a bunch of varied colors with no real ties together I wouldn't suggest, as it brakes the consistency of the work.

    Yeah, I didn't think I could do text, so I didn't even try haha.

    No, I didn't follow any tutorial, I just kind of threw it together in ten minutes or so.

    Unrelated to metal:

    Also, does everyone here use the flow "flow" when they don't know what they're talking about with an image or a term?
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I've just gotten back into this kind of stuff so I'm a bit out of practice. Personally I like to create text by cutting it out of an image then overlaying it with a low opacity (this works for images that are more pattern based), or overlaying a low opacity image with the text cut out in negative space (this works for images that are more shape based). You could probably just cut text out of an image of fire and put that in the upper(ish) left and remove the purplish streak. It would probably be best to copy the fire texture from the fire already in the stock to be sure it matches.
  9. MetalForgere

    MetalForgere Forerunner

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    I didn´t mean to use a lot of colors, if you choose the wrong colors it can even hurt your eyes, but I mean try some combinations in the same tone, like blue haves dark blue, a common tone, cyan, and a lot of tones in the same color, but some images can mix them like the vintage, retro and some portraits can use a big variations of colors to get an awesome effect.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Not sure what this means..?
  11. Halo Orlando

    Halo Orlando Ancient
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    I use the term "Flow" to mean the visual movement within a signature, "How it flows" from one element to another smoothly, often achieved through the use of lines. Good flow leads the eye to each element that one wants someone to look at, and bad flow is contradictory lines and movement that sometimes confuses the eye, or doesn't well direct to the focal.

    This term could be included easily into focal, however I like to separate them in order to give a clearer description of what I am saying; people will often understand what I say in terms of flow more easily than a quite long paragraph in focal.

    When I speak of focal, I generally choose not to address the flow, but just the clarity of the focal, its placement, and how well emphasized it is, and potentially other factors I can't think of off the top of my head.

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