The Forunners called it a memorial, we call it an artifact. -Dr. Halsey 2587 Supports basic gametypes setup of all gametypes listed... You will have to find the weapons on your... P.S. Review the map and give me feedback for revision and more...... Mausoleum The Balcony Red side The Burial Mounds The Overlook Blue side
i cant believe i actually took the time to look at the screenshot links but never mind The post will be locked unless u show the images on the post and not in seperate links.
Forgive me Excuse me for the inconvience im just recently edited the post I am sorry for that please explain to me how to make the thumbnail....
The map looks like a better updated version of asylum, I like how you made the bases better, and how you have a cliffside platform, and my most favorite part is the teleporter that sends you to a different part of the map with a small base with a gravity hammer. Good job, and I'm going to download this map.
This map looks really well thought out, with elaborate bases and a sweet middle structure, however I question if there are any bumps that could disrupt gameplay.
After you download please give feed back and tell me what i should do and improve and especially new ideas. [br][/br]Edited by merge: There seems to be two bumps at each base that will only make the player pop up 1/2 a centimeter like sprinting at the sword base stairs.
Im sorry for not explaining, to get to the burial mounds there is a teleporter by each base that you must enter to get there. P.S. I don't suggest you jet pack your way over there.....