Over view of the map This is quite simply a pinball machine that YOU and your friends cam play in, and NO, this is defiantly not a casual map. Even if you don't love infection or slayer, this map will grab you and if you set it up, would be great for many other gametypes. This map is called pinball because as you are playing, three(3) golfballs roll around the field, and down the very tower in this picture. This is another over view of the map and it shows a two room building This is a side view of the map and it shows the monorail(the blue thingy) This is the ball return shoot. As for weapons, there are a few weapons put here and there, but I will keep them a surprise but I will reveal that there is an energy sword.(there are also health packets and armor abilities)
nice job its a very original idea, the only thing i dont like is there's a lot of uneven pieces, and you used a lot of the default buildings. 2 suggestions: go over the map and unless there's a reason for an uneven piece, smooth it out, and also build some of your own buildings using blocks and bridges. a lot of people here appreciate custom buildings more than default ones. you could do this all in a V2 and post it, its not too much work. =) i will dl and try it out.