Description: symmetrical map that is medium sized, map should be fun for CTF/Slayer, but there ain't alot of places to hide but there is still enough cover so you won't get spawn killed. Contains: sniper *2 (180 sec respawn) grenade launcher *1 (180 sec respawn) evade *1 (60 sec respawns) jetpack *2 (60 sec respawns) lots of dmr's (120 sec respawns) needle rifle *3 (120 sec respawns) plasma grenade *4 (90 sec respawns) frag grenade *4 (90 sec respawns) health station *4 (90 sec respawns) Screenshot: LowMid Mid Blue Base Red Base Spawnpoint?
This map looks fantastic,great structure, lots of cover and high vantage points, nice symmetry. Good job, and I'm going to download this.
This map looks very good. It reminds me of a Foundry-Pit mix. One question: is there a roof to the map? I think there is but I couldn't be sure. I'm just curious as to how high the jetpackers can go and whether or not they would be over powering on this map or just easy targets. I'll have to check this out later. Great Job!
Very clean forging, the map looks really nice. I would advise changing the team color of the struts by each base and other pieces to match the base, to make identifying location better. Also, 120 second DMR respawns sounds like a bit too much, DMRs should be readily available. Other than that, this looks like a great map, well done!
@Legacy of Mercy there is a roof on the map but there is still enough place for jetpackers, i also added higher spots for jetpackers (not campspots) @Scorch199 I did that respawn time because there a lot of DMRs on the map.