This is my first completed Forge map for Halo Reach so I'll keep this simple. I wanted to create a theme with the coveted Energy Sword as the centerpiece of an Elite sanctuary... with other revered Covenant and Human weapons as offerings. Energy Sword on the Altar Beneath the Altar (Focus Rifle) Heretic Shrine is a symmetrical map with an additional outdoor area for more dimension. Plenty of power weapons can be found down the center of the map making gameplay fair for both sides and there's lots of action! Center of map from above the Altar (Rockets in tower on 2nd level) Entrance and outside area (Sniper in rocks, Plasma Launcher on 2nd level) WEAPONS 1 Energy Sword 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Focus Rifle 1 Plasma Launcher 2 Shotguns 2 Concussion Rifles 2 Grenade Launchers 2 DMRs 2 Needle Rifles 3 Spikers 3 Needlers 4 Plasma Pistols 4 Plasma Repeaters Aesthetics were always priority but gameplay was never neglected... multiple levels and access to levels, along with close quarters and long range vantage points provide a balanced combat experience. There are no restricted areas in this map so bring your Jetpack! Each side has 3 levels with long walkways... ramps and lifts on each end Looking out from inside the Elite's mouth (view of teleporter below) Gather your friends and play the various gametypes, your feedback is greatly appreciated! Many quality maps on this site, glad to be a member. Wanna play?
The map has good symmetry, it looks like it would be a fun competitive map to play on. Also could u add some cover on the bottom floor because it looks kind of open, and if not could you place a ghost because most small maps this size would be good for a ghost, thanks and you got my download.
Looking good, im really happy that somebody used the energy sword to add great aesthetic and gameplay features onto a competitive map. Nice one!
Thanks guys for your initial responses and suggestions! Many, many hours spent on parts swapping and budget concerns ($5 remaining) while trying to achieve the best build I could. I'd like to point out that while the center of the map seems to be a bit barren, you'll find that 2 needlers and a steady supply of frag grenades will help you tremendously! Also, there's teleporters there (doesn't show in photo) to quickly pop back and forth while still under cover, makes for an interesting transition and still maintains cathedral-like look and feel I was after. As far as vehicles, it crossed my mind from time to time but was never convinced they were a proper fit.