Hello forgehub, every night a 8pm UK time i host MLG matchmakinglobbies for 8 people to kill each other in a friendly but competitive way and for good credits too! I have been hosting the scrims for a week now and so far have been very successful. If anybody in interested message my xbox live gamertag: Matty the IV Or message me on forgehub.
This should be in MLG discussion, in Halo Reach Forum. Don't worry it'll get moved. Are you any good? I take it your British too. Do you have a good connection?
I'm pretty decent at Halo and i'm from the UK. My connection is good too. I haven't seen the MLG discussion yet i'm kinda new to FH. If you wanna play then message me?
Moved to MLG Discussion. Oh, and I'm UK too and enjoy a good bit of MLG now and then, having a full party would help that massively. However, I demand some manner of established nomenclature for you guys if we are ever to play together at once. I have enough trouble when I play with my two friends who are both called Jack, something along the lines of 'Matty A' and 'Matty B' should suffice, you can fight it out between yourselves to decide seniority .
Damn it. I dibs matty 1! thanks for the move pegasi im gonna set up lobbies everyday at 8:00pm and whenever people are up for it. They usually last for about 2 hour so i hope to see u there! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Here, i made a small video on youtube promoting the lobbies. You should watch it if interested. YouTube - MLG Matchmaking Lobbies Promo