Naval Battlefield v3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by styxman34, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is the third version of my semi-popular map, Naval Battlefield. Before you go saying "Hey styxman! Why don't you just update you last version's post?!" I don't because I started completely from scratch on this version. Everything is different, though it stays the same. And also, before you go off saying "Hey, Jordan made this map and you stole it!", let me tell you this. I used his doubleglitch map that had 100 coliseum walls, though I only used about 25 of them, as I anticipated making it much larger, and I found out that the grids were the same width as the width of the coliseum walls I used at each end. I made a good amount of progress before realizing this, so I didn't want to just throw away so much work. So, yeah.

    Anyway! Time for a description.
    It's a simple concept, and a simple design. Players of both teams spawn in a spectator's box with no armor abilities (with the custom slayer gametype) and an assault rifle. To the right of the spawn points, is an armory of sorts. The armory for each team includes 1 rocket launcher, 2 DMR's, 1 shotgun, 1 grenade launcher, 2 plasma pistols, and 4 plasma grenades (see weapons list for more details). On the left side of the armories is a teleporter link to each team's corresponding base. The bases are simpler and smaller than the previous two versions. The teleporter exit is in the back of the second floor of each base in a bunker, box. This room is where the flag and bomb spawns. A one way shield protects from spawn camping to an extent, though Honor rules are required as there is no way (to my knowledge) to keep players of the enemy team out of a certain area, though to take that camping douche out, all you need is a good ol' rock-it lawn chair to clear out the room.
    As players go down to the base floor, they will see the lineup of vehicles for their team. It includes 4 warthogs, 4 mongooses, and 1 revenant. Get in one of them, and start the slaughter. Get out in the middle of the battlefield though, and you'll be teleported underwater, and you'll die. The teleporter doesn't reach the spaces where the vehicles are parked, and it gives you a little bit of space. The parking spaces, as I like to call them, are easier to fit into than previous versions. The mongooses are also easier to get into.
    On the sides of each dock, there are platforms that carry health packs.

    Weapons (Respawn Time/Spare Clips):
    • 4x DMR (15 / 5)
    • 4x Plasma Pistol (60 / N/A)
    • 2x Shotgun (30 / 5)
    • 2x Grenade Launcher (45 / 5)
    • 2x Rocket Launcher (90 / 2)
    • 4x Plasma Grenade (15 / N/A)

    Vehicles (Respawn Time)
    • 8x Warthog, Default (15)
    • 8x Mongoose (10)
    • 2x Revenant (60)

    Aside from that, pictures give a much better description than I can give, so:

    The map was too long to fit in one shot (that's what she said), so here is the red 2/3:

    Blue 2/3:

    side shot overview:

    Another angle with spectator's boxes is view:

    Red team spawn box:

    View of the battlefield from red spawn box:


    Spawn box exit:

    Red base side shot:

    Red base:

    Download Naval Battlefield v3.0

    Recommended:Download Naval Battlefield Slayer (not required)

    v2.5 Forgehub Post

    v2.0 Forgehub Post

    #1 styxman34, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  2. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If by the seastacks you mean the rocks in the battlefield, then no, the only weapons are in the spawn boxes.

    EDIT: Umm.. Did both of the replies get removed?
    #2 styxman34, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  3. Really Caboose

    Really Caboose Forerunner

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    I can see no replies (other than yours), so im guessing yes. Your first version of this had lotss of bugs. This one looks promising! Nice job!
  4. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
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    Yeah my first one (my second one technically) did have a lot of things that weren't necessarily bugs, but just exploits. I made sure that none of that happened in this version. For example, the spawn boxes in previous versions were escapable. There is none of that here, the boxes are completely closed off, and has a nice view of the playing area.
    Another problem was players getting their vehicles on the bases. This isn't possible anymore, as I placed a teleporter on the base that puts you back in the water (it only applies to vehicles, and doesn't kill you. You could be hit by a revenant and thrown in there, so yeah). It's also compatible (though hardly playable) for FFA slayer games, I included neutral spawns which I didn't do in previous versions for some reason.

    In case anyone's wondering, there aren't any killzones on the rocks (or without ice for that matter! Haha...puns...ha...*softly cries*). If you're on the rocks you could get picked up by a teammate.
  5. HALO vToxiK

    HALO vToxiK Forerunner

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    Very creative and cool, you can drive in water like a boat :D but theres something under it :c
  6. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank You! There is a Grid underneath (for the most part).
    I haven't come across something in this style (though I have seen maps with boats, and, for the most part, they are pretty crappy).

    Also, this is my 100th post. I was planning on saving it for my Mexican Mission (from TS2 and TS:FP) remake, but, whatever. It's not even close to being to done.

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