Here's my latest map BLACKWATER. Built on the creek side of Tempest it supports 6 to 10 players. Team Slayer, SWAT, CTF and a 3 core invasion gametype. Still undergoing testing will post in about a week.
Looks interesting. I want to download it to see how you implemented those massive bases. Their existence usually hinders any attempt of mine to forge on tempest
Cool use of the interior of Tempest! I like the ship, and the bases look cool too. 3 core sounds like an unusual invasion game, I'm interested to see how this plays out. I'll DL this on release.
i clicked this because i really like the name, sounds like some suave surname, anyway that ship thing in the first pic looks really cool, like awesome cool, but i cant really get a good feel from these pics, i guess its only a preview though, needless to say im intrigued...
I always like tempest forge maps. They add a difrent change of scenery rather than the useual forgeworld maps. Let us know when it is online for download.