
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Organite, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    :: The following is a transcript of a distress call received prior to Spartan deployment. ::
    Caller: Hey, ONI guys
    Operator: This is a secure military line. Identify yourself now.
    Caller: Oh… yea. This is agent James Abrams of the ONI CCF station 42. Over.
    Operator: Abrams, what is the situation?
    Abrams: Well you see… we have a situation. Over.
    Operator: Well I guessed that already. And stop saying over.
    Abrams: Stop saying what, sir? Over.
    Operator: … Listen I do not have the time or patience. Tell me what is wrong!
    Abrams: Well you know how the covenant attacked a couple days ago? Over.
    Operator: Go on.
    Abrams: Well, despite the incredibly secluded and out of the way location of our station the covenant found us. They have seized the station and I believe are planning to use our ordinance against us. Over.
    Operator: Why weren’t we informed prior to them obtaining the station?
    Abrams: Well we kinda didn’t see it coming. Over.
    Operator: And your security systems didn’t pick up on this intrusion?
    Abrams: Well the green die console has been kind of hit and miss lately…
    Operator: Green die console?
    Abrams: …and the other console malfunctioned months ago so we rigged a covenant crate to it. I guess that didn’t work either. Over.
    Unknown: Tell him we need more Lemon Pledge too.
    Operator: Who is that?
    Abrams: Oh that’s the janitor. Over.
    Operator: [sigh] so you mentioned the covenant hijacking your stations ordinance. What exactly is that?
    Abrams: Our station is equipped with a CCFN, sir. Over.
    Operator: What is that?
    Abrams: A Capital Cruiser ****er Nuke, sir. Over.
    Operator: A Nuke?
    Abrams: yes sir. Over.
    Operator: Unbelievable.
    Abrams: Sir, I swear I didn’t come up with the name…
    Operator: I cannot believe they put dumbasses like you in charge of a nuclear device! You people are clearly unfit…
    [long pause]
    Abrams: unfit for what, sir?
    Operator: You know what, I take it back. Your team is capable. You can clearly retake the station, easily!
    Abrams: Really? You think so?
    Operator: Yea, hell yea! Abrams, you can do this. Go fight those alien bastards. Run in there, guns blazing. Don’t look back!
    Abrams: you hear that boys? We’re gonna take the station back! Grab your guns and let’s go!
    [indistinct crowd yelling]
    Operator: Idiots.
    Operator: This is ONI Operator 91 contacting commanding Spartan officer.
    Officer: Go on Operator.
    Operator: We are going to need Spartan reinforcements at ONI Nuclear Defense Site 12. The Covenant has taken over and to the best of our knowledge plan to use our on-site nuclear missile to attack possibly a major human city.
    Officer: And what of the personnel?
    Operator: uh they’re all dead.
    Officer: All of them? Who contacted you?
    Operator: They contacted me just before they decided to make a suicidal attempt to retake the station.
    Officer: and you did not try to stop them?
    Operator: I… tried. But macho stupidity got to them.
    Officer: What idiots…
    Operator: [cackle]
    :: Spartans Deployed. ::

    "A Covenant Elite squadron has captured a top secret ONI missile site used to take out Covenant capital cruisers.
    They have been working to re-designate the on-site warhead to target a major human city.
    Spartans, we need you to take this facility back before it is too late."



    YouTube - Just Invaded In To See What Condition Fallout Was In

    Back Story:
    I'm pretty sure that as of the second or third day Reach came out and I started to become familiar with the aspects of forging Invasion in Reach preliminary ideas for Fallout popped into my head. Invasion maps, within the first week of Reach began to surface like dead fish, and dead fish they were. One of the first things I noticed with most user created Invasion maps is that they a) stuck so close to the matchmaking invasion maps that they became redundant or b) strayed so far from the competitive vision of what Invasion debuted with that it became nothing more than a casual map or mini-game in the sense of the terms Forge Hub puts it in. For a while, especially here on FH, Invasion maps were actually held in more of a casual standpoint and I knew that wasn't what I wanted in Fallout (or whatever the hell I called it back then). I wanted my Invasion map to uphold the competitive spectrum that Boneyard and Spire possessed while being its own experience. I wanted it to be unique yet fun; competitive yet balanced. I wanted Fallout to be like nothing no one had ever seen.
    Come to find out, such uniqueness doesn't necessarily define a great map.
    In fact, sometimes over-uniqueness can be disastrous.
    It can be said that Fallout has taken on about four notable forms including its final version seen here.

    First was a little experiment I called Epiquest. My first attempt at creating a unique Invasion experience was more just testing the grounds and pushing the boundaries of what Invasion was capable of. Come to find out, Invasion is capable of a lot. It is truly beautiful what kind of things can be done with this gametype, and many of them we still see shining face today, but back then they had not quite yet been fully explored so when I thought of (what at the time seemed an amazing) concept of using Assault coupled with gate tags and rocks to create an exploding wall, I ended up creating a lot of hype for a map I pretty much already knew was too good to be true. This doesn't mean Epiquest is dead, no. It'll come back eventually, but as a 1v1 "I'ma solve this puzzle while some alien bastard tries to stop me" type of deal. Curious? You should be.

    The first formal version of Fallout built on what could have worked in Epiquest if it had been properly implemented. Right about here was when the Forgetacular contest was announced and I decided to try and take part in it by creating a formal Invasion map. So I tried.
    From here on in, take the map advertised below, take its first phase, and copypasta it into every version of the map. Phase one of Fallout was an unplanned accident, or at least a lot less planned than in subsequent versions. It just happened, and somehow it worked. In fact, it was the only phase to receive any praise in version 1 and 2 of Fallout. So it goes without saying that it pretty much stayed the same in version 3. No. What I really want to focus on is the second half of the map; the area beyond the shield doors. In V1 the main objective was for the Spartans to blow up a satellite facility that contained launch codes for on-site nukes and then get the hell outta there. This was the most unique version of the map, but as I mentioned before unique is not always good. In this instance that philosophy held true and the whole second half of the map, including a satellite facility that I tediously rigged to look blown up after a certain phase thanks to a series of gate and weapon tags, was a bust.

    V2 of Fallout began as pure reaction to the mass amount of positive feedback I had on the first phase and the mass amount of negative feedback I received on the second and third phase. I deleted anything and everything that had to do with the second and third phase including my pride and joy, the satellite facility. From this point, I had no plan and I had a hard time coming up with a design. As I was about to drop the project entirely, a friend of mine asked me why I never rolled with my original vision of the map. At first I came back with the statement "Are you mad?" The reason behind this statement comes directly from what I told him I envisioned in Fallout from the beginning. The first two phases would be normal, but the third phase would introduce a dynamic twist that required a constant awareness of what was happening on the map. This involved constructing what looked like a giant nuclear missile, a believable transition between what was already built and the nuke itself, then constructing a phase three that looked like the aftermath of the nuke having been activated (hence the origin of the name). This seemed entirely out of the realm of possibility. Well, it wasn't. By making sacrifices in certain visual aspects of the map I was able to achieve this effect and quite nicely at that. The Green + Nova FX created an ideal 'fallout' scenario along with fusion coils dropping at random points and times along with seemingly 'destroyed' buildings I created in light of having to get rid of my precious satellite facility. The reason this was probably the least known and least tested version of the map was because of one explicit reason: LAG! By the time the map hit phase three there was so much happening on screen at one time that the map was virtually impossible to successfully play on. As such, V2 of the map was trashed very quickly. By about this time, Forgetacular had ended and I had all but given up on Fallout entirely.

    I kept V2 of the map for reference, but for the most part it was back to the drawing board for V3. As I was, again, deleting all phase two and three objects I stopped when I reached the giant nuke I had constructed. For some reason I decided to keep it. I don't know if it were out of pride or some instinct that I figured I'd want it, but I kept it, and from there I began anew; right back where V2 started at the end of phase one. After abandoning Fallout for about a month, I came back to it halfheartedly and began laying some random pieces down. Without expecting anything to come out of it I suddenly came to a solution. In the previous versions I focused hard on open play area in phase two and three to conserve for a major objective later on down the road. Never had it dawned on me to make the major objective immediately after phase one. The end result was an indoor area that acts as the activation station for the large nuke off in the background. This transition from open outdoors to close-quarters indoors created an interesting twist to what I thought was going to end up being another run-of-the-mill Invasion map and in the end received as much if not more praise than what the first phase had originally received. So with some tweaks here and there the posted version of Fallout was done.

    Reconnaissance Images:

    A rough overview of the Nuclear Defense Station showing weapon placements and objectives and such. Click the little resize button so it's not all minuscule.

    Welcome to the ONI:CCF facility.
    Trespassers will be shot.

    The image above is about where the Spartans begin their assault on the station. A Sniper Rifle spawns on the ONI symbol in the picture after 2 minutes.

    Overview of the security station that prevents intruders.
    Guess that ship sailed.

    This is the security facility that the Spartans must capture to begin phase two. The first capture point is in the room with the green die and the other is on the other side beneath the Ramp,XXL in the distance.

    Brilliant minds that cast a protective eye over Reach reside in these walls.
    They enjoy strip poker and Beer Pong.

    This is inside the main facility. Strangely, neither of the capture points are pictured in this, but one is just on the other side of those doors and the other is just above those stairs where a Concussion Rifle is also conveniently located.

    This facility is proud to be branded with the purple ONI readout. Jim wanted blue letters and no tree.
    We fired Jim. "Get rid of the tree" he says, psssh, what is any place without a nice tree?

    This is a side entrance to the facility that can be accessed via the braces to the far right of the security facility.

    The launch codes module and the CCF nuke in the background.
    This is all top secret information. In fact, who let you in here. Get Out!

    This is the core with the sought for CCF Nuke in the background.
    The core is located in a room all by its lonesome, waiting for a brave Spartan to rescue it in a Falcon. Be that Spartan, hero.

    Fallout is an Invasion based map that combines all of the good things about Boneyard and Spire and throws the rest out the window.
    It sports the classic Invasion setup: Territories, Territories, and Capture the Flag (Core).

    I am really pleased to see how my first Reach map turned out considering the amount of labor, blood, sweat, and the occasional tear that went in to this.
    I sure hope the FH public feels the same.
    Join me as I wet my feet again for the first time since Halo 3 for a competitive Invasion map (OMG it's not Infection!) that I believe will knock your socks off (or your pants if you're not wearing socks (and if you're not wearing pants, please put some on))

    I'd love to thank everyone who helped in making this map as good as it could be. The people who hate Invasion, but steeled themselves long enough to enjoy Fallout. The people who urged me to complete it when I'd lost hope in it, and the people who urged me to post it a month after it was done. The Tester's Guild has been a particular help in providing feedback for the last versions of this map. All in all, thank you Forge Hub for being a great community.
    And to everyone else, Thank you.

    And here are the DL links again if you missed them:


    #1 Organite, Mar 21, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    looks pretty good, but the pictures confuse me. needs a better description.just saying.
    oh, and while i was skipping past your long, tedious, and slightly odd transcript, the word lemon pledge caught my eye.
    Seriously, wtf. Hilarious though.
  3. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Yea, I'd meant to put that in a spoiler.
    Also, I found it particularly hard to describe in words what this map contains.
    That's why I put up the overview shot with weapon placement and objectives.
    I guess I could move it to the top so people can spot it easier.
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahh, this is a fun Invasion map that doesn't take itself too seriously. It was good fun playing this at TGIF a few weeks ago. That reminds me, I should host another one sometime...

    Anyways, cool map, bro!
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man.
    Lol, I definitely took what you said into consideration when I wrote that beginning transmission about the green die console and such.
    I'm glad you had a good time on it.
    I really hope anyone else who plays it does too.
  6. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    One of the better invasion maps out there. Invasion games are really hard to set up properly because of the balance issues between Elites and Spartans at each phase. Fallout handles the balance pretty well and pacing is well done to build tension.
  7. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Thank you Pac.
    Also, for anyone who is interested in how Fallout developed as a map I posted a pretty detailed back story into the OP.
    I've debated time and time again over posting a refined version of V1 of the map because, as I mentioned in the back story, it was the most unique version of the map.

    I dunno.
    If you want to know anything about it just let me know.
  8. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The name of this map is awesome, the aesthetics are awesome, the forging is awesome. Really I don't have anything bad to say about this. For an invasion map this looks like serious fun. I would really like to get some games on this with you sometime if you're interested. Hit me up my GT is Eight8Ball. Good forging man.
  9. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the map makes good use of the area its forged on and shows good layout, multiple pathways, and very nice aesthetics...the map seems good size and looks to have good objective choice with a nice story to go with it...the only way to find out more would be for me to test...Ill see if I can get a test in some time soon...
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Thank you fellas.
    And just a forewarning, I made a new version of the map that uses fewer objects and enhances gameplay ever so slightly with some geometry and weapon changes.
    It is Fallout V3.4
  11. AppleTStudios

    AppleTStudios Forerunner

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    For those of you who would like to have a bit more fun reading this map's post, read all of the purple captions in the voice of J.K. Simmons.

    Other than that, I love the layout of this map. It seems like a well-made Invasion map with a lot of detail in it (something I don't see every day.)

    Definitely a download from me, as well as a recommendation =)
  12. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    lol, I suppose, even I imagined something like Cave Johnson despite me releasing this well before Portal 2.

    Not that it's outdated or anything, but you should definitely check out my posts at least for an Infection series I made in Halo 3 called Policy of Truth. It has that same kind of humor.

    Anyway, as far as the map goes, upon realizing that I never uploaded v3.4 and I have fixed enough things to be on version 3.7, I find it mundane to upload v3.4 at this point.

    Instead, v3.7 is sitting on my fileshare right now waiting to be downloaded.

    There were a plethora of things that I fixed and rearranged, but some of the biggest changes are that the big ass nuke is now gone, and the windows are blocked off now, there is a new path into the phase 2&3 facility near the green die capture point, reduced clips of the rockets and concussion rifle, general object reduction to eliminate lag (budget: $2020), and rearranged some objects to look more natural and/or work better with the map including the 3rd phase capture point.

    I'm convinced that these changes will positively influence how the map is played.
    If you encounter any issues I may have overlooked please don't hesitate to let me know.

    New Version DL
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Don't worry, I totally didn't forget. Since I recently got a chance to get a full sized game going, I figured I drop by and leave some feedback. The game itself played great, for the most part. The main problems stemmed from questionable weapon classes. These classes, while unique, were wildly overpowered (mainly in phase 3). Also, the distance the spartans have to run to get to the core (from spawn) is a bit much, eh?

    Overall, it's a solid invasion map that just needs some minor tweaks here and there. Great job and keep it up.
  14. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well. I played... Probably two games on this in it's early stages. And I have to admit, it's one of the few invasion maps that I could stand. I don't remember specifics, but you must have done a good job, because I usually hate Invasion.
  15. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Backstory is ****ing epic, just thought id throw that out ther :)

    Im only able to comment on what i saw when i flew through it in forge with you, but from what i saw the forging was super super clean, well, after i fixed a couple things :)
    The flow looked awesome too, the covenent slowly being overwhelmed and cornered, then the spartans finally retaking the base. If i had a HDD, you wud get +1 dl, bit alas, i do not :/

    I really wanna play a game with u on this sometime
  16. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    You really should man.
    I enjoy playing this map whenever I get enough people, but population is the problem in the first place.

    Probably why I'm just gonna stick to 1v1 and 2v2 maps from here on in.
    Lol, I could always make 2v2 Invasion maps.

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