Map Series

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ProtoFury, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    EDIT: I've tweaked the Helm's Deep map and am now putting it out there under a different name. You can find the info here.

    Well, after taking quite a long break from forging (and Halo in general), Reach has me back in full force. Although I never really got to be a regular member here before I set Halo 3 down, I did keep up with this place once upon a time. Now, a few years later and quite a bit more experienced, I'm coming back to the best Forge community around.

    That being said, one of my favorite things to do with the Halo 3 forge was create maps based off of events from The Lord of the Rings, both the books and the films. My goal was never to create the actual setting for a map (8-on-8 does not a siege make) but to create a map that captured what, in my mind, was the essence of the conflict. All of my maps were fairly limited, as I forged during the early days of Foundry, and took a break that ended up being rather permanent before maps like Sandbox came around--so needless to say, looking back, my maps were somewhat quaint considering what we have available to us now.

    After tinkering around in Forge 2.0 for a number of hours, I set out to build my first Reach Forge map--Helm's Deep. I plan on creating a series after this, but decided to start with Helm's Deep because it was the first LOTR map I made in Foundry.

    I figure that since I'm starting anew in the Reach Forge, I may as well start anew her. I've dumped around 17 hours into it now, and am about to start finalizing the mor intricate details of the map, such as weapons and spawns--so far, I've just been getting the actual map like I want it. I'll post some preview pics of Helm's Deep soon, and plan on having the map finished (for Slayer, Invasion, Assault, Infection, and Territories gametypes) by the end of the week.

    I plan on making maps based on Minas Tirith, Minas Morgul, Osgiliath, and the Paths of the Dead, but Helm's Deep is really where I'm getting my feet wet, and hoping to get some publicity with.

    For now, I'm trying to drum up some support, as well as get the community's general input (or at least, those of you who care) on the matter. I'm by no means the best Forger around, but I would say I'm average, at the very least, and exposure like this would be great for me, since this is something I truly love to do.

    So if you guys want to see something from LOTR, or have any input at all, I'd love to hear it. Again, I'll have some content up as soon as possible (what with my busy college kid schedule and all).
    #1 ProtoFury, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  2. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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    I have a map called Minas Tirith---wanted to do a remake of the map but the amount of objects necessary wouldn't have been possible to do something on that scale..Its still an homage and I have quite a bit more work to do related to weapon, spawn, and objective placements before I'm done with her. Problem is I live with my fiance and have only 1 tv in the house and on top of that I work two jobs so my time to put into the game is diminished.
  3. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Yeah, I know how limiting the time factor can be. As far as the limited objects, however, I don't think that'd be much of a problem, the way I've been working so far. I did almost run out of bridges and blocks, but I got pretty detailed with a certain section of the fortress that Minas Tirith wouldn't need (the Hornburg, to be specific). I've got a number of ideas on how to fix the whole "not enough stuff" problem for Minas Tirith (first of which is cutting the seven walls to like three or four, easily doable, considering I did fine with Helm's Deeps's two sets of walls), but I'm saving it for a ways down the road.

    I'll have screens for Helm's Deep up later today.

    EDIT: I have pictures up now! With descriptions.
    #3 ProtoFury, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  4. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Map Overview

    Nestled in the mountains, the fortress of Helm's Deep stands as one of mankind's greatest outposts in the South. It is said that as long as there are men to defend it, the fortress will never fall. In the Third Age, the forces of Isengard clashed with the men of Rohan in this ancient place, but this fortress has come under a new threat. You.

    The Fortress:
    Outside View (Deeping Wall)

    Deeping Wall Entryway

    Deeping Wall Inside--Main Entrance

    Deeping Wall Inside--Wall Walkway and Outpost

    Deeping Wall Side Entrance

    Deeping Wall Side Entrance (Back)

    Second Wall

    Second Wall, Inside

    The Hornburg

    The Keep

    The Breach of the Deeping Wall (Yes, you can destroy part of the wall!)

    The Attackers: (Not exactly accurate, but I had to give the attackers an outpost, for obvious playability reasons.)

    Outpost (Side View)

    Outpost (Rear)

    And there you have it! Any comments/questions/constructive criticisms are much appreciated!
    #4 ProtoFury, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    People have already released a few helms deep remakes that look much more like the actual helms deep. Name it something different and post it anyways, because it still looks like a great map as it is.

    Attackers don't need an outpost, just some safe places to spawn and enough cover to get forward without being instantly killed. Scorpions won't help this because they would require a direct hit, since there is nothing they can shoot nearby an enemy to hit said enemy (assuming the defenders stay on the wall).
  6. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Scorpions are what allow them to blow down the wall--past they they're admittedly not much help, they just provide minimal support. I just didn't want rocket launchers floating around on the map here I don't want people to have them ;D

    But as far as my LOTR maps go, they're all going to be more reinventions based on the concepts, as opposed to actual remakes, so you're right about the whole aesthetics bit. I change things to make them more playable, like that whole side entrance--originally I was going to make it with a ledge leading over to the main gate (the ledge that Aragorn and Gimli use to jump onto the walkway during the actual battle), but it was pretty useless there--someone would have to make it up the main ramp either way. The side entrance leading over away from the wall, however, accomplishes the same basic purpose--an extra entrance for defenders to hold/attackers to sneak through--while making it much more reasonable for typical Halo combat.

    EDIT: I went through and found this map, and I see what you mean by maps thatlook more like Helm's Deep than mine. While I applaud his map for the aesthetic resemblance, I wanted to go a different route with mine--take his Hornburg against mine. Aesthetically, his is a great remake, mine is laughable. But I didn't care about aesthetics with mine. It's a tower in roughly similar placement, but with a different purpose--being a sort of sniper perch with a view of most of the map. Defenders don't get snipers of course, but still have the DMR, and in Territories, there's a capture spot up there as well. The two versions serve two different functions, each with its own merits, in my mind at least.
    #6 ProtoFury, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  7. BlueKarateMonkey

    BlueKarateMonkey Forerunner

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    I'm totaly on page with you Proto. I know i'm probably going to bring it to a whole new level of nerdieness, but I am working on a Minas Ithil vs. Tower of Cirith Ungol. Eh?
  8. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    That's an interesting concept Monkey--you gonna have them connected via a Shelob's Lair kinda situation?

    Also, the more I think about it, the more I think pyro has a point--I may just sign this one off as something other than Helm's Deep, make the explodable entrance into a shield door, and work on a new Helm's Deep later. This one is different enough (at first I anted it to be slightly different, but the more I look at it the more I realize it became something quite a bit different than I expected) that I feel I can use it as something else--thoughts on this?

    (Gonna finish the gametypes tonight, it should be ready by tomorrow morning.)

    EDIT: Everything is done, I just need to playtest, but I'm submitting the map under a different name, Vadmont's Ossuary. Check it out here.
    #8 ProtoFury, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  9. BlueKarateMonkey

    BlueKarateMonkey Forerunner

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    I'm thinking about closing off most of the tunnels and putting teleporters in them to connect them in a row. I think that would be the best way tho give the long tunnel effect. I don't want the tunnels to connect the bases directly. I think that would make CTF and Assault kindof anti-climactic.
  10. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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  11. rubuie5

    rubuie5 Forerunner

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    hey , im gonna make some lotr maps too i already made a ffa map called: balins tomb ( you will find it around) it will be very hard but awesome if someone made osgilliath, i hope i have the time to make that one, but anyways, are you still working on maps, hope to hear from you soon
  12. cyewcic

    cyewcic Forerunner

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    #12 cyewcic, Apr 21, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011

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