You just put 5 bucks down on Gears and its printed on the receipt. After you redeem it, you can cancel your order.
I preordered and they were like "oh sorry, the ones we have left are spoken for". I was like **** you gamestop. "Spoken for" my ass, it's first come, first serve. I was a little pissed to say the least. Anyone have a code or get that stupid Irish gamestop code thing to work?
I'm not going to post any links or anything... But there may be a version of the beta you can download off the internet onto a flash drive that certain members of this forum may be using and may have been able to get into it before even the people who bought Bulletstorm... But srs, there is.
The worst part was they actually told me they had them too, just wouldn't give me one. I wish I hadda just said "nevermind then, give me my money back". It wasn't like it was two days ago either, it was about two weeks before the beta. Stupid Gamestop will be getting even less of my already very little money I give them now. Stickman: you get online with this beta?
i have been anti-gamestop when they would let me exchange games cause my id was expired i told them ok im just going to go to this mom and pop store and never come back... that gamestop is now closed because the mom and pop game store is awesome. you can buy any game that ever existed... they still got original xbox halo 2 editions
All I had heard of the Gears Beta was for pre-order through gamestop, wasn't sure if it was anywhere or not. Had five bux on Dragon Age II I never got so I just moved it over for the beta. Was not happy with the results. Otherwise, I would have gone to Gamezilla (fairly smaller mom and pop-esque store that opened a few more locations). Gamestop's are always either full of power-trippin nerds or people who absolutely hate their job. Neither of them care about customers.
Hmmm...I'm sensing a correlation there Silence...could just be my imagination though Damn, I wish I had a store around here like that. I'd love to be able to walk into a game store and buy games I've never heard of, hell even to play them.
Played Gears 3 Beta starting last's soooooo freakin awesome. Gnasher and Lancer are back to their Gears 1 feel, which kicks ass. And on that note, the game plays much more like Gears 1. It's back to its old faster pacing, as opposed to the crawl Gears 2 moved at. Another neat little thing is they made running from point A to B actually quicker than sprint, roll, sprint, roll, sprint, etc. Also, sniper feels more spot on. I've been getting headshots and even some choice supermans like it's my job. New weapons are fun as hell. Hammerburst v3 is sweet. The iron sights + single fire make it a beast from mid-long range and something great for laying down covering fire to back your teammates up. Retro Lancer is sick in close range once you master controlling the recoil and it's always fun to catch some poor bastard in a bayonet charge when he's not looking. Sawed-off Shotty is probably the only gun I have minor gripes about. The fact that you can just run up next to anyone and, so long as they're inside your screen, tap fire and they explode is a little annoying. I suppose only four shots and a super long reload time make up for it, but I'd rather see it as a pick up than a starter. Digger launcher is a cool new gun that keeps you looking over your shoulder even when you're behind cover. Nothing is safe when you got one of these in the map and I like that. It's a camper's nightmare. Gorgon SMG is fun to use, and it doesn't feel overpowered at all. Once you got a meatshield, though, all bets are off. Boltok got an upgrage, as one active reload bullet to the noggin will register as a headshot, and two normals will do the same. Got a superman with an active shot, felt super pro. The Oneshot is nasty. It's only got three shots and you all but announce to the world that you're using it whilst taking aim, but if you clip them anywhere on the body, the enemy is toast. And headshots are always juicy with it. Inks got boosted in power, but they cover less range which is kinda nice. Also if you hit someone with a toss, they'll get stunned and pretty much be dead. Same with incendiaries. Think Gears' version of Halo 3's firebombs. A tag or hit results in instant death. Also, ink and incendiaries no longer bounce, they explode upon hitting the ground. Smokes stun again but this time around that entails you being unable to fire your gun yet being able to run and maneuver away. Also, nades are much more dynamic pickups in this game compared to Gears 1, but it's not a "check-every-corner-for-frags" type deal like in Gears 2. They have a big presence, but they're not overdone. They just fit. The new weapon skins are kind of cool too, if only for aesthetic kicks The maps are pretty sweet too. Checkout is pretty cool. It's got a large open middle that you can't access, kinda akin to Gears 2's Day One which, coupled with the store shelves and desks, makes for some sweet sight lines for a good sniper and good practice for gettin used to the Digger. Action doesn't really take place in one designated spot, it usually starts as a mad dash towards one or two of the three major central areas and then turns into a constant push and pull as teams struggle to obtain the strategic ground and make a push towards the others' spawn. Each team also has access to a Gorgon/Boltok near their own spawn. Thrashball is probably my least favorite of all the maps, but I still like it alot. Both teams start in their own locker room and then proceed to run out into the thrashball field where they get a relatively unobstructed view of the action. The main power weapon sits under the precariously dangling scoreboard of death and, as such, rarely sees action past the first minute and a half or so of each round. The other main power weapon, a mortar or mulcher, sits on a platform that can sweep the entire field with ease, but is easily attacked on all flanks, so you always need some good spotters or some sort of back up if you want to rest easy. Gorgon and Boltok also make lesser known appearances on the map on the map's line of symmetry, but they rarely see much use. You'll need to rely on a steady lancer or hammer burst and a quick shotty once the scoreboard falls if you're gonna be successful on Thrashball. Old Town is fun, albeit probably the hardest map to get used to. You can see down the map's line of symmetry, but they're divided into three areas by fences that you can't climb over, but you can open fire at your own discretion. Each team has access to inks and a flamethrower, and fight for control of Digger/Boomshot, Frags, and Longshot/Torque Bow. It also features some elevation that makes the map feel slighty asymetrical, as one team spawns higher and the map slopes down towards the other team's seaside spawn. Trenches is the fourth map of the beta and an interesting one to play on. There are plenty of changes in elevation and multiple flanking paths amongst this short, close-quarters map. Your shotgun will be your friend here. Teams both get access to an Ink/Incendiary pick up and a Boomshield and move to fight for control of Mortar, Digger/Flamethrower, and Mulcher/Oneshot. The mortar sits on a platform elevated over the direct middle of the main area and provides excellent views of the entire map outside both teams spawns, but is easily flanked like in Thrashball. Teamwork is necessary to get control of this area. The Mulcher/Oneshot sits atop an elevate bunker that can be attacked from either grenade spawn or the hill leading up to it. However, once someone has control of this hill, venturing outside your team's half of the map can turn into a deathwish. The fighting usually blows up in the platform for mortar control and the area around digger before trickling into the teams' spawn bases. Overall, I'm more than impressed. This game blows Gears 2 out of the water already and feels just as good as Gears 1 did, it seems. I can't wait to see the rest of what Epic's selling with this one and I'm positive I'll be getting this game as soon as I legally can.
I don't know any of them by name, but I come in often enough that they recognize me and are very friendly. Overall a great experience when shopping there. I wish you all had the same experience.
Psh, I worked their and I realize how terrible the service is. Being nice and friendly is a direct violation of their protocols lol. However, I am very disappointed about not having a beta code. I was looking forward to the beta.
So I realized I can only play good with people of my own level. And then, once I do really good with them, I can take on high levels with no problem.
Talk to the Cocco that is at a Los for more information. (He's so gonna hate me for this) And yeah, you can get online with it. I personally use a legit version, though.
Public Beta is now open. To enter, put $5 down on the game at Gamestop. You can cancel your order later.