Fat Kid (A Halo: 3 Remake) Hello! Welcome to Fat Kid, One of Halo: 3's most played custom games EVER. First off, I'd Like to say thanks to all those who played Fat Kid at Halo: 3, You all inspired me to make this map. If you don't know how to play, then keep reading! ~~HOW TO PLAY~~ Playing Fat Kid is very simple, You just have to know the three major types you can play. -Humans -Minions -The Fat Kid So without further adeu, Let's get started! ~GOAL~ The Human's basic goal is to survive. You'd best avoid those minions and that Fat Kid until time runs out. ~HELPFUL TIPS~ Humans have a lot of priorities. They have many weapons that assist them during the game such as explosives, turrets, snipers, shotguns, etc. You can have any weapon combination that will possibly kill the Fat Kid. It's best if you have many players in the game, so more minions=more fun=more killing. You can also assassinate the Fat Kid if they are not paying attention, or getting hit in opposite directions. ~Stats~ Humans have basic Slayer stats, and have infinite ammo. Regardless if they have infinite ammo, they still have to reload, turrets overheat and runs out of ammo if broken off the stand. ~GOAL~ The Minions have two goals. Either help the Fat Kid go to the enemies faster, or just go after the enemies themselves. ~HELPFUL TIPS~ Minions can usually team in two or more to kill more humans at a time. They are also super fast, which makes them able to dodge precise bullets such as magnums, DMRs and snipers. ~Stats~ Minions have 250% speed and 75% gravity. They also have No Shields and have 75% health. They have a disadvatage of getting killed most of the time by going into turrets or crashing on the walls by going too fast. ~GOAL~ The Fat Kid has one simple goal. Kill ALL HUMANS. Apparently, the humans are the jerks who make fun of you for being Fat. It's time for your revenge. Kill them! ~HELPFUL TIPS~ Fat Kids can boost themselves with the gravity hammer, but they CONSTANTLY have to look at their radar. They might have a lot of health, but they are completly vulerable to assassinations. Fat Kids also have an Energy Sword, which helps greatly with close combat enemies. ~Stats~ The Fat Kid has 1000% Health and 150% gravity. They have 4x overshields and ALMOST invulnerable. Their biggest disadvantage is a constant look at their radar, to make sure no one is about to assassinate them. Well, I hope you enjoy my version of Fat Kid. Don't Hate. Appreciate. Thanks!
Question: Did you try to remake just plain old Fat Kid, or did you try to do something to make it at least somewhat balanced for the zombies? B/c honestly, Fat Kid is only fun if you're the humans, and not much else. I'm not saying your map or gametype are bad, it's just something inherent to FK that I was wondering if you'd addressed. If not, I'd advise that you do. Give it a bit of replayibility. tl;dr: Did you do anything to balance it, or is it just vanilla fat kid?
This is straight from the Halo 3 one. I even got the stats from halo 3, such as the movement, damage, weapons, etc. I DID add the new reach weapons on the map, and tried to make the map as similar as possible. I didn't add any new tweaks such as armor abilities, and the game is still focused on humans. You can eventually balance it out once you have alot of minions, and things go on itself from there.
I just want to tell you that this isnt a very accurate remake. The bottom level is much too narrow. i believe that there were 4 plasma turrets and they were all floating in the air. And the 5x1 peices look very bad as walls. The map was originally called 4 levels. And in some versions there were sheild doors in the long walkways to make it easier for zombies.
I would take out the concussion rifle on the map. It acts the same as the Halo 3 needler did in Fat Kid it completely stops and even reverses the movement the fat kid does.
Ok, Here's what i'll do. I'll go on Halo 3, load up Fat Kid, and see if i did anything. Also, Im sorry if the 5x1 bricks look bad, but it was hard to make substitutes. In my opinion, i too did think that it looks very good. Besides, i remember that Halo 3 had short cuts on the walls, and the minions can be easily spawnkilled if they go there. Ill think about changing the hallways, I wont post it here, but ill put it on my fileshare.
Oh dear god, I knew this day would come; ever since the release of Alpha Zombie... Best of luck to you with the burns you will get from all the flaming. On the plus side, it looks true to the original.