The map is based off the game "Uberstrike" Great map, it is very simple yet very awsome, I am getting some photos and a video, btw this is my first map so give me any of your thoughts 2x Grenade Launchers 4x Assault Rifles 1x Shotgun 2x Sniper Rifles
Judging by what you said, you probably know that you need pictures, or the post will be locked. Or video, like you said. If you don't have the pictures/video yet, feel free to invite me to the game. I love to help test out stuff.=] my gt is darknessdays6.
You shouldn't really have made this thread without attaching some images or a video to it. How to embed screenshots Many people will simply pass over a map that has no screenshots/video and so this may reduce the amount of downloads you will get. the only time people will be likely to see your map is on the front page or on the first page of the forums, and if your map isn't on one of these pages, it will get hardly any views and very little downloads.