Guy Love Just Because I love you, doesn't mean I don't want to kill you. By Penguinish. Download -Here Download Recommended Gametypes Slayer - Don't H@te King of The Hill - Mound of men OddBall - Chasing B@lls Any slayer, koth, oddball gametype will work, these are the gametypes used for the true purpose of this map. Recommended Party Size: 4-16 players Inspiration: After watching countless Montages, i noticed a lot of them shared a common map, a map, thats squared open, and instant respawns, in witch you test your skill, to rake in multikills. Description: Despite the friendly name, Guy Love implies the fact that, you and your friends are shooting each other in a heated battle, for multikill medals. Big open square, with no cover, and 4 basic platforms. As soon as you start you are brought in to battle, your skills are tested, as you are quickly trying to kill someone before they kill you. Headshots, No scopes, quick scopes, kill stealing will prove the most worthy cause into reaching your goal. I warn you tho, dont ever, ever, stand still, you might turn in to someones Killamanjaro. Map was built on the Foundry Power Canvas With Wall. ScreenShots: In the middle of the map there is a teleport flower, however, when naded, the flower releases a deady object. 1 firebomb nade that respawns every 60 seconds. Rarely will you beable to even touch it on slayer, but useful for KOTH. The two wall corners look like this. And the 2 back wall corners look like this. Each platform, has a 3 ways in witch to get on. 1 narrow stairs, 2 dumpster, 3 a door placed at the right hight, where only a crouch jump will work. Oversheilds interlocked into top of the walls, for your all your plasma throwing needs. There are 3 bridge platforms, agiasnt the walls, where you can not jump to them base to base, the only way on to these things are the single starting spawn, or using the foundry wall jump. I like to call it the Penguin Bump. A single Fence wall provides a small deal of protection from enemy snipers. Me Performing the Penguin Bump. Here is my Friend earning a Killamanjaro, during a play session. Thats some Serious Skill right there. About the Gametypes: Slayer - Don't H@te - Sniper Primary, Pistol Secondary, use skill, and reflexes to get multikills, and to win the game at default 100 point King of The Hill - Mound of men - Sniper, pistol, 5 diffrent hill locations. Hill has poor camo, and higher damage resistant, plus black as a forced color. OddBall - Chasing B@lls - Ball carier, is fast, and jumps high, forced color to green, higher damage resistant. Oh, yea, my first map post ftw! and it gets really competitive when you have lots of people.
I have played a map like this before. I think we just played in the griffball arena. Was really epic for multikill medals, and absolutely amazing for improving your skills. We also played games with random weapons, and games with set weapons like SMG, or something, that was fun too. You have added some cover in the corners, it looks alot better, im glad you made sure that there are no hiding areas, by using fence walls and boxes. I hope you added plenty of spawns to cater for FFA games. Other than that all i can say is good job. Downloading.
The flower does nothing its something i learned form furious d map, all it does is hide a firebomb nade. Matty theres 16 starting points on each varient, and 16 respawn points.
Shouldnt it say Just cause i love you, doesnt mean i dont want to kill you? Oh look, i evolved into a Killingmanjaro, lucky me. Lulz. I coulda pwnd you guys......cept you kept killing yeah. also, i like how you added that little do not click if 56k thing. Made me think you were thinking of me trought the process of making this post tehehe . Ima click it though to see what happens....
This map looks pretty fun. The flower/firebomb holder is a nice aesthetic touch. Multi-kills are also always fun to get.
Woah, woah, woah......... I am extremely sorry about that. It wasnt my fault, it was my friend. I was making some popcorn while he was sleeping over and he was using my laptop so...........SORRY
I had no idea Penguinish, your a mod with over 500 posts and this is your first map. WOW. Looks pretty cool, not very original but it looks made better than the others. I've played something similar with random weapons and its really fun.
just downloaded, don't have time tonight, but will first thing tomorrow, this looks like alot of fun, and i also have played a game like this on the grifball map, but this looks like a much better version, can't wait, and I'm suprised to see this is your first map post, keep them coming penguin!
Hahaha, first map post ... lulz. Looks highly amusing, i have to say. Hope this gets put into the next TGiF ... i can imagine it'd be a killfest.
Now do you understand why to post maps after you become well known here? More ass-kissing. Seriously, I know you're awesome and stuff, but this is just a big empty room. Dated time stamp that proves that this was made without editing later on. I'm sure it's fun, but really.
Lol, i know. The whole point is to get multikills, and its just inspired by all those montages you see with maps like this in them. Its not ment to be some kind of amazingly awesome map, just a good map to do this sort of thing on.
just wait till you post a map... and this looks like fun, but more of a casual game than competitive. and only killimanjaro drawingman? pathetic...
LOL @ nemi! and ya, i thought this should have been in casual too, forgot to mention that can we get a mod? oh wait
alright ill throw this in casual since you guys feel like it, really belongs there in stead, also, thats not drawingman who got it, drawing couldnt even get a double kill.
i really like this simple map. i also love snipers so i guess i will download. if you remember foundation in halo 2, this is similar in ways. i also think that if you put a little structure in the middle this map will suit random weapons really well.