Boardwalk is what I'm thinking. The only other BTB maps are Paradiso or Hemorrhage, and honestly I think they would be trickier. Or alternatively what about Reverse situations for Boneyard, Spire, or Breakpoint, where the opposite team is attacking and the action unfolds backwards? Scenario X. Any Ideas?
Another invasion map on boardwalk would be cool. It would be also cool if someone managed to make an invasion map on Powerhouse
powerhouse wiuld probably be better if it was smaller/limited to 4v4 invasion or 3v3 boardwalk could end up intesting though
I had a thought about Powerhouse, it involved Territories in the Grenade Launcher Building (one on each floor). Also a Capture the Core where the flag was for CTF in the Beta (Top floor of the Powerhouse). That is all I had for a Powerhouse idea. I have no idea about another objective. A concern of mine is for Powerhouse is size. Would 6v6 be to cramped?
How would the setup for a 4v4 invasion differ? Only 4 inital spawns for each team? Or is a 4v4 invasion just a have a 4v4 set-up in the customs lobby? this is sounding more like an Infiltration rather than an Invasion. I can dig it
I've been wanting to make an Invasion variant for Sword Base, but without one-way shields, I couldn't really make it meet my own standards. I figure it's better to build your own Invasion space rather than trying to cram it into a standard map anyways.
I can kind of see an Invasion game set up on Powerhouse, as well as Reflection, now that I think about it. Who knows, maybe I'll make an attempt at it tomorrow!
Infiltration- possible name? You would have to set it up for full possible 8v8 but highly recommend and say that 4v4 is best
Ok, so somehow making it 4v4 only with 2 2-man fire teams is not possible is it? I am going to assume no since the set-up should be the same for normal invasion, just make a point to say it works best as a 4v4 scenario. I'm trying not to think of it as cramming it into a standard map but fitting it in. @il uragano 3493- Reflection sounds interesting, Storming the Tower or something along those lines. or maybe move from the top down and plant a bomb near the bottom. Back to Powerhouse, any other ideas about Objectives? Attacking team?