You can find the all new map entitled Liberty City In my file share on You can also find there the game type for the map called champions. You can also find the map in the link below.
Your map does not meet the standards, for a number of reasons. Please read This thoroughly, to find out how to get it up to scratch. If you are still stuck try using the shoutbox or PMing a high rank for assistance.
watch the language :-X but cmon now guys, he still have like 22 hours to get this to meet the standards, which i hope for his sake he does...
Dude, you NEEED to put time into your posts, no ones going to download something they have no idea about. if you want downloads the nyou should put work/time into it
guys settle down he just joined.He doesnt know much.Hello.Welcome to forgehub.I can clearly see the your new so let me explain some things.You cannot post a map without reading thisThread.He anew member so u should support him not bring him down like that.Its not like u guys never did this.If u have any question ask me or the moderators premiums yellow peeps and loyals.Oh and check out this thread if u didnt fully understand shock theta's.But u need a link to the map not ur file share. this thread is the one.Remember look at the thing it has in it that u need.Exept the video the video is not needed
Great name for a some pics and tell us what you map is about... check out some other posts and read the feedback on those maps...i think it will give you good ideas for future maps and it also keeps us new people from making posting mistakes...Welcome and have fun!!!
Wow guys lay off! This guy is practically brand new. You probably did the same thing and people weren't this harsh to you. Just chill out.
Thanks for someone who has the decency to HELP the new guy instead of bashing him up and down. Everybody was new once, give the guy a chance. Some of you guys are gonna feel pretty dumb when he gets one of his maps featured.
thank you for being nice, I made the same mistake when I posted my map, but the only thing is I bothered to check my thread and fix my mistakes, instead of just ignoring it
guys, stop posting here, all your doing is promoting a bad thread, if he hasnt been helped yet with all the links and advice than hes probably not going to get helped.
Lol i've played these maps of some guys fileshare b4... I'm sorry to say they were horrible and very sloppy.. I havent tried this one but i doubt i will...
You broke two rules - You need a screenshot. - Links must be to your file thread, not your file share.
WFT.People dont go around cursing in the forums.We all know wut whale did was bad but we dont have to curse at him.I'm pretty sure he knows whut he did wrong.even if he didnt u could have corrected his wrong.All im saying is 2 wrongs dont make a right