Ohm's Law Map Demo: YouTube (for those of you who want to see it before you download!) Map Design Intent: I wnated to create a map with a power plant theme to it. As such, the main aesthetic are the twin generators in the center. The generators are surrounded are four alternators as well as two observation platforms.In addition the teleporters on the ground floor transport you to the observation platform on the opposite side of the map. Screenshots: Overview. First Strike! Hammer Style!! Weapons: 4x Needle Rifle 2x Needler 1x Focus Rifle(100s) 1x Grenade Launcher(100s) 1x Rocket Launcher(160s) 2x DMR 2x Shotgun(110s) 4x Plasma Pistol 2x Plasma Repeater 8x Plasma Grenade 8x Frag Grenade Other notes: As always, I appreciate your feedback and ask that you please pose a gameplay film for me to look over. Enjoy! Yardbird92
Good map, has great amount of cover and is a good size map with some creative forging designs. I will dL.
nice map although maybe u could make it so you can go inside the generators. maybe... anyway, i'll second b1ane's idea for a custom game. just send me an invite when you guys wanna play. GT: darknessdays6 ps: i take it back send me a message if you want 2 get a slayer going, because there's a chance i won't be on live
D3ATH, I considered opening up the generators, but it felt like it was too distracting, and it didn't seem to look that good(in my opinion). But since you brought it up, I'll work another version and get some feedback on it during my playtesting sessions. Thanks for all your feedback, everyone. I'd appreciate any gameplay issues/comments and, if you can spare some FS space, a gameplay vid. I'm usually pretty good about DL it right away!
cool invite me when the testing happens i could also bring some friends to fill up the lobby and so that this doesn't count as a spam, howabout you set it up 4 invasion? u know, the elites have to capture the facility. =)
I apologize for falsely describing the Gametypes available, I uploaded the wrong version. The updated link is in the Description, [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sorry it took so long to update the main thread, I wanted to wait until I had a reason to post a reply. Along with the updated map, I have added a youtube link that will take you to a gameplay montage I have been working on! Enjoy! Major changes have been made over the last month, the final product is an epic gaming experience like no other!!