Don't know about you BT but all I have to do is go down to the gamestore lay down $5 on a pre-order of it and they give me a code. Might do it on thursday.
****ing love it man. Got into it on Friday when they had Capture the leader, and KOTH. Now only TDM is there, wtf? My and my friends really only enjoyed CTL. Well, I guess they'll release it in the coming weeks to the public. Still, great game. I'm probably going to buy it after enjoying the beta so much.
To get it this week, you rent bulletstorm and purchase the online pass code for 800 pts. To get next week, you put $5 down on Gears 3 at Gamestop.
so, whats new for those of you interested: Gorgon Pistol is now automatic. Ink grenades kill a lot easier, but are very rare. New weapons: Incendiary Grenade - a lot like Halo 3s. Retro Lancer - less accurate, but has a bayonet charge. Sawed off shotgun - less range, more power, long reload. Digging Launcher - shoots mines that tunnel under cover. Maps: Checkout - cool map, but most of the combat takes place over the counter area. Thrashball - I don't really love this one. It's kinda campy. Not a bad map though. Guns: All the guns now come with skins you can unlock like in MW2. -Chrome -Gears cog logo -Flame paint -Golden -Normal -Urban Camo
Oh, the lolz. But seriously, GoW2 was pretty sick. I remember playing the first one with my friend and it was so badass. I hope they can bring back and refresh those awesome memories. I'll be sure to get it tho when it comes around
I've heard good and bad things about this, but thats to be expected with any game really... Wish I could play it, but the PoV on games like this makes me queasy. Unfortunately I can't play it without getting sick. :/
There was some glitch on expertzone that my friends exploited to get the beta early. They had fixed it by the time I got there. However, I hear the beta is coming to the marketplace next week. So you don't need a pre order or Bulletstorm.
Played few rounds. I never liked the multiplayer aspect of the last 2 gears, except for Horde. My opinions still stand. It's slow, clunky, and deathmatches in 3rd person just don't suit my tastes. But that is me and I don't play Gears for its multiplayer, just for it's co-op, and so far the beta hasn't done anything to change my mind. Also, the Retro Lancer blows.
It's only good if you spray at a guy that's like 2 feet away. Also, on Thrashball, charge straight down the incendiary grenade hall with the bayonet out. Easy one kill.
Same. I like playing with friends, but the online MP does absolutely nothing for me. Will replay Gears 2 campaign as a tribute to the beta.
If anyones got a spare code, please direct it my way <3 I never liked the other Gears games, I just didn't like the style of gameplay, animations and movement feels really canned.
I'm gonna go and set down a good $20 on a Gears 3 Pre-Order after the weekend (I'm going on a road trip for easter) And I'll give the beta code I get to someone on here... Idk who, though.
i think epic outdid themselves this time. IMO the multiplayer is really polished. I have been kicking major ass so maybe im alittle biased but all the weapons feel good. Gnasher is more accurate for me then usual and hammerburst is just a beast of a rifle. Trashball Hammerburst on the high side is just OP right now tho you see like 70% of the field from up there and hammerburst can kill em in a clip. otherwise im very excited for new maps. I also havnt gotten the torque bow yet but i cant imagine they would have messed it up. And digger kills make you feel badass... Cya on GOW3..
Personally, I'm in love with the retro lancer. Not totally accurate, but I don't need that for my playstyle. I'm usually shotgunning anyways, and I just use it for luring them out of cover or impaling them.
So how do you go about getting in the beta next week? Do you have to pre-order the game, or is there another way? I ask because...**** Gamestop.