Do Swords (also Grav Hammers) count as melee damage? If you put melee damage to 0% would the sword do damage if weapon damage is at 100%? And I'm finishing a map and need to know this for it btw, it does pertain to forging in Reach, not just a custom gametype question...
No, swords are not affected by melee damage, they still are affected by normal weapon damage despite them being a melee weapon.
Yeah, I just tested it, thank you though for the quick response. Would've given me a bit more variety for the **** Zombie map I'm finishing up, but I'll get around it. Thanks.
What are you looking to do with the map? Give the zombie swords without the humans picking them up and using them?
Impossible. I've tried just about every damage and health combo that would make an infection game decent and the energy sword has alwas been picked up and proved to be a good weapon. If any one can prove me wrong PLEASE tell me.
I've done some expirimentation, and I'm fairly certain that Gravity Hammers are controlled by the melee, at least to a degree. However, if a Gravity Hammer is too overpowered for your task, then have you ever considered giving the zombies whatever the humans' starting weapon is, while turning the zombies' damage off and having them use their melee to attack? If they start with a plasma pistol, the effect is even more balanced, because they can't get ammo, and really, who wants a plasma pistol to fight off zombies with? Just a thought. Hope it helps somebody.
That's not exactly where I was going with that, I was going to suggest ways to motivate the humans not to pick up the enemy weapons, such as adding quite a bit of ammo in the map. Most survivors only pick up swords as a secondary weapon so that they aren't obliterated if they run out of ammo. I'd actually advise against those ideas. The gravity hammer is far too random with kills (take a look at grifball), and, more importantly, it makes it far easier to break maps. If the creator decides to make it so that the zombies are forced to melee then the players get easily agitated as there is no apparent way to make it obvious that the infected must melee to do damage.