Hey everybody at ForgeHub! It's TheL337destroyer here with a NEW map I like to call "Recon Valley". In Recon Valley there is not only a great symmetrical field to play on. But for those of you who like to have a nice view, then you will not be disappointed. Because, in Recon Valley there is an actually Recon Head - I built it Myself - floating in the air! Not only is it nice to look at, but you can also get on top of it. Have fun playing it, and Enjoy! YouTube - Halo Reach Forge World Maps: Recon Valley
The Recon Head is cool. But Honestly, the map could be better. I sure the gameplay is fine but aesthetics could use some work. The buildings are too simple. I love the idea of the map though. But I think if it would be best if the head was out of your reach. Oh and this probably should have been posted in the Aesthetics category instead of Compeditive. I apologize in advance if my comment appeared to be harsh, Only trying to help
Reply to SquidMan33 Its alright. And the reason buildings aere so simple, is because that Recon Helmet took up all the blocks. So I had to use what was left. But all in all, i give it a 7.. 8.. out of 10. And say it looks like a kick ass map. Download, and Enjoy!
Really i think you should ditch that helmet and build some cooler bases instead The head is nice but it doesn't really fit in :/
Everybody, the Recon Helmet is the whole reason I even built the map. I wanted to be the first person to build A Recon Helmet in Forge World, and Now I am. Not only that, But I also wanted the map to be playable. I know it isn't the best. But hey its my map. I love it.