Vestige The remnants of this foundry are all that remind the new inhabitants of the cost of war. **Download link will take you to my latest version now. The last it was edited was on 3/24/11. Click spoiler to see the changes in the updated version.** Spoiler Vestige is a medium sized, asymmetrical map. The look I wanted to capture is a building in ruins. After traversing on the map, you may notice some similarities of Foundry from Halo 3. It is meant to model after Foundry but is a different layout from the original. Call it a spiritual successor if you will. I chose the quarry to forge because of the plain field, plenty of space, and a cliff side (plus it looks more pretty than the coliseum). So my goal was set: have half the building appear in rubble, and the other half a solid construct suspending off the cliff. This gave me plenty to work with now; I had natural ground for the floor, and I had rocks surrounding as walls. This map has little to no lag and supports everything except Race & Invasion. Weapon List: Rockets: (1) 180 sec, 1 clip Sniper: (1) 180 sec, 2 clips Shotgun: (1) 120 sec, 1 clip GL: (1) 90 sec, 5 clips Concussion Rifle: (2) 90 sec, 1 clip DMR: (4) 45 sec, 1 clip NR: (2) 60 sec, 2 clips AR, Magnum, needler, plasma rifle & repeater: (2) 30 sec, 2 clips 4 frags, 4 plasmas This map went through a lot of change because this was my first ever created map in Reach. After learning about forging, I cleaned things up, and made map flow work much better. Flow as in one side of the map used to have a lot more space than the other, so I fixed coordinates to even the bases sizes. Also, even the amount of cover one side has to the other. I wanted to be creative while working with an asymmetrical space, but I still wanted a fair playing field for red and blue side. Back side viewing out: An interesting underground feature: A fun and hectic gametype is KOTH, try it out! I'd be glad to hear peoples thoughts after playing a game. Note: I'm willing to make changes with the map, so tell me any issues or concerns you may have.
Update includes more cover with rocks and 1X4 blocks, as the map was very open. For aesthetics, I put bridges and platform pieces around the edges of the opening roof.
Ill be the first to comment . First off one of my friends made a map kind of the same concept, but yours is actuly built well with plenty of cover. The ascetics look good and i like that you added supports, it drives me crazy when i forge something without supports, All in all it looks very nice and it proble plays nice too, If you havent tested it yet you can just send me a friend request and my and my gaggle of idots can come play on it with you.
I sent a friends request. Thanks for the comment, and the offer to help me with testing! I appreciate it. Oh, and I gave some feedback to one of your maps as well. BTW, how similar was your friend's design to mine? Was he/she going for a Foundry successor as well? I'm just curious. Nothing I made was intended to be a copy of someone else's design. Just clearing that up.
When i played this i found it fun. I think it would be way more fun with more people. I like the design. Reminds me of Foundry. Good job!