Well Here you go hope you enjoy Have fun and heres the dl http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=15998455&player=zEXPL ii CITz
This seems like a sick race track (but what do I know haha) Im just wondering if the track is smooth? And do you fall of every 5 seconds. Sorry I like to know these things before I download a race map.
i love the ones where you fall off every 5 seconds.. if its not a challenge, i dont want it. But this looks challenging enough to download. ! good job. sweet track dude.
Its not really its actually very easy to race but u will fall off a little the first lap then it will be very easy
i love your maps =] this looks like an awsome rollar coaster and the bit with the rock arches really caught my attention awsome track nice one!
This map owns! The last part reminds me of Oceanspray. I think its in picture 9 that wavy like my map. Great job keep it up