Hello Major League Gamers, recently i have created a new MLG map and i want to share it with you guys! (How nice of me!) MLG Fusion v1 MLG Fusion v1 is a 4v4 map set up for MLG Gametypes and would be played in MLG custom game nights and scrimmages. However, the map also supports regular gametypes that are listed above. The map is symmetrical and is best played on 4v4 MLG Team slayer, MLG King, MLG CTF 3 and 5 and last but not least: MLG Ball. Weapon list DMR x4 Needle rifle x2 Sniper rifle x1 Grenade Launcher x1 Plasma Grenade x4 Frag grenade x2 Active Camo powerup x1 Health Pack x6 SCREENSHOT TIME! An overview of the map (Without the roof) Grenade Launcher Spawns at top mid every 2.5 minutes The active camo powerup is coveniently placed on the podium by the rock gardens every 150 seconds. The power core aesthetic at bottom mid. Red Team spawn for all gametypes The Blue team spawn for all gametypes The sniper rifle spawns here every two and a half minutes. MLG Fusion is currently under v1 testing and more feedback is needed to perfect the map onto later versions. I am inclined to thank all of the playtesters of MLG Fusion for helping me improve the map and i hope you all had a great time! Please give constructive criticism to the map as it is in development for later versions (Spawn placements, weapons etc...) Also a BIG shoutout to ianderton and his Immortal illusionz clan for giving me the ideas to make this map possible. P.s EIGHTBALLL!!!!! THE GAMES ON OPPPENNN!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, me and my forging clan, Uprising are recruiting good forgers and competitive people to join our clan. It's about having fun and playing with people of similar interests as you. Here is our new (slightly shabby) sig =] Enjoy the map and download today!
This map is sick, I love that center structure and the way you set up camo too. How's the framerate? Because the map seems a little open which might cause some problems, but it's hard to tell from just pics. Either way this map is still legit, also I love the members of your forging clan, I expect to see some amazing **** coming form you guys.
I really should change my armour back too what it was ¬_¬. Anyway, good map, im never a fan of mlg as you know but i do like the maps that people make for it. The map worked well, it had smooth gameplay and the astetics were very apealing :3 i still dont like the astetic thing at the bottem of the map. Either way loved the map and i loved playing on it for you ^^
Yes you should change your armour/ Thanks for the comment AJ we should do more team co-forges with everyone involved it would be fun =]
I really enjoyed playing on this map, it had great aesthetics and the gameplay was smooth. I also liked that this map had a bright feel to it, not like some bland and colorless maps I've seen. The weapons were placed well, and no-one spot felt overpowered. Really great job my friend. Edit: I lol'd at the "P.s EIGHTBALLL!!!!! THE GAMES ON OPPPENNN!!!!!!!!!!! " part..
Thanks man i really appreciate everyones feedback from forgehub and the maps' playtesters. I will be making a version 2 soon with more tweaking with the spawns system. I'm going to try and persuade katanga and aj to do a 4 man co-forge with us it should be great considering all of our different forging styles!
Only thing about about this map is the small amount of framerate lag on sniper spawn, when you look towards the power core thingy. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed testing this map. Looking forward to future posts.
Thanks Ali for4 playing and liking the map. Also on behalf of the rest of the team, Welcome to Uprising!
Reminds me of the MALL for some reason... exept for the fact it has guns, rockets, and mad customers that think they have to kill everyone. map rating: 9/10
Dunno what your mall's like but LOL! Anyway thanks for the good rating on the map and i hope u enjoyed playing!