So i have received the ok from TZ to be one of the personnel from FH to run the official FH booth at PAX East 2012. basically this is a thread to sign up to help with the booth, make ideas for the banner, or just anything pertaining to this booth. please keep in mind that this is NOT a thread for discussion about wether or not i should be held responsible for running the FH booth.
I'll sign on for the west one, seeing as I live by Seattle it would be more logical, I don't really feel like going all the way to the east coast anyways. This is a tad early for sign-ups/ ideas though.
idk i guess i just got inspired by the one that just happened. anyways all i really had to do was run it by TZ.
That's what I said considering PAX East just happened and the website for PAX East won't be updated for at least a season.
i have an uncanny memory for these kinds of things... so... what are we gonna put on the banner? i was thinking a 20x60 banner (with "Forgehub" or "" obviously) with some sort of catch phrase.
Doubt this will ever happen. If it does, I want a little A4 sheet saying "B3NW WAS WRONG!" with everyone sticking up ones. That is all.
how about what i'm doing....? a black t-shirt with my account name (which is also my gamertag) i mean i got the ok to run it and i AM going to PAX East 2012 so.... idk what doubt there is
I believe you have to pay a significant amount of money to get a booth. I can be totally wrong, was pretty damn packed last year, and next year it's only gonna get bigger. I won't run anything (if you met me in person you'd see why), but I'll pop in a few times if there is a booth.
If you guys are actually doing this, you should get someone to attempt to do it at the PAX in Seattle, aswell. I'm only a four hour drive away from there, while I'm about a 4 hour flight away from PAX East. And I'm obvs not gonna pay upwards of $300 just to get there. Anyways, what Insane said about having to pay a significant amount of money to get a booth, I believe that's true. I also don't think they'll just let anyone go in and set up a booth, either. Probably the most you could do is specify a corner and have a few chairs there so you can meet up with all the internet friends of yours. You could probably make a ForgeHub T-Shirt or something, though.
Stick, I have no idea how available booths would be too, and am slightly skeptical that we would be able to get one. However we are a fairly large community, so we just might be able to. BTW, I live near Seattle too Anyways, I suppose getting something organized can't hurt, as long as we all remember by then. If you are going to handle things on the east end, I may be able to do it on the Seattle end. Or someone else could, just an idea.