I saw a poll over on bnet discussing whether or not yoinking a kill is ethically wrong or not and decided to ask FH what they thought. So, what do you guys think? Yay, nay, or meh? Personally, I think it's appropriate in situations where the kill was more or less yours and a teammate runs in and begins to assassinate your kill. I'll admit I also do it for fun on occasion just to hear them rage...
They annoy me when I getting yoinked, especially when I didn't actually want the animation... Ethically wrong, classically speaking, no. Ethically in a FPS bro to bro kind of way, sure?
Personally I try to avoid yoinking simply because the animations are so cool and the person being assasinated is being humiliated. I will yoink when there was no need for the animation, such as in a firefight, to save my teamate's ass when they're being peppered with fire for assassinating someone. I will also do it if the person who is assassinating did it to me earlier, simply for my revenge. It's one of those split decision things.
I have a bad repuation of yoinking a friend in games from time to time. Its annoying to be yoinked, especially intentionally, but it is amusing to do it at times. Yoinking strangers though in MM is not cool. Of course sometimes yoinks are accidental too.
It's interesting you say that, because randoms in MM are the only ones I DON'T feel bad for when I (accidentally) yoink them.
I love yoinking... especially when you watch the assassination happen and then at the last moment you beat down the guy getting assassinated
If you began shooting the guy before the animation, he's yours. If it's the teammates kill and you happen across the animation, let him finish.
truthfully, when it comes to a friend assassinating an opponent, ill try to yoink it for poops and giggles. Other than that, i could care less. I think i have a video still of me yoiking a friend. I'll take my time and tell the story. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away(friends house). Me and my bud were playing team snipers; split screen. I noticed he was going for the assassination and watched him the whole time. By the time we was just about to kill him, i shoot the guy in the head, got the yoink, and my friend wasn't to satisfied he didn't get that one assassination to rank up a commendation
I think it's ok to yoink. It's better I yoink him than the other team gerting a showstopper, of course it all depends on the situation. When I'm playing a more competitive gametype like SWAT I will always yoink, just because it only takes 1 shot for a showstopper. It's their fault for assasinating instead of beating down.
Yoinking is hilarious. I can't believe people get mad about it. Obviously Bungie thought it was hilarious too or they wouldn't have created a medal for it.
Yes in FFA Yes if its a douche bag on your team Yes if you have more then 5 assists already Yes if its to save the team mate thats in the animation by getting him out of it Also, there is no kill stealing in TEAM slayer
I only do so accidentally. If it happens, it happens. It's not a big deal. Move on to the next kill. If it happens to me, I chalk it up to my teammate being a **** if it's obvious, or just an accident if things are getting messy when i assassinate. Still, it's over and I move on.
I yoink on purpose, but not for the reasons available in the poll. Mainly because I'm a tryhard. If people are wasting seconds assassinating people, the time wasted could allow for others teams to reposition, or an enemy to flank, or something. Competitively, the time taken to assassinate a guy in a game is valuable. If I have a sniper or something that'll kill quicker, and I'm close enough, i'll take the yoink to continue the flow of the game.
I posted a bit ******ntly before. To tell the truth though, most of my yoinks have been accidents. Sometimes in the heat of battle you just see a guy with the other team's color, with his head at normal headshot level, and your natural reaction is to shoot him without paying attention to the fact that he's immobilized by your knife-wielding teammate. I've only occasionally done it on purpose, and then it was indeed just for yuks. edit - Why on earth was that censored? The word I tried to use was fli.ppantly.
at the bare minimum, they are in FFA, when someone is assassinating someone else and you kill them both. I love doing this with the sword. YOINK... other players like wtf happened?.... DOUBLE KILL
I have a friend on my list that lives to yoink kills. It's simply a waste of time to attempt one if he's nearby, because he will wait and melee your victim when the shields drop every time. Not cool, but not unexpected, either.