Zombie Island

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Boom Dead FAIL, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. Boom Dead FAIL

    Boom Dead FAIL Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Zombie Island
    Optional Game Type
    Created by Boom Dead FAIL

    Map Description
    Zombie Map On Island. Garage, Armory, Elevator and 2 Falcons.
    Zombies Spawn On The Ground In A Cave.
    Humans Spawn on Heaven With 2 Falcons.
    There Is A Elevator Up And Down To The Garage.
    The Up Elavator Works But Sometime You Fall After You Get Half Way Up.
    Teleporter To Armory. Gravity Lift To Roof Which Is A Good Sniping Position,
    (1 Sniper Rifle On Roof).
    Stairs From Ground To Heaven.
    Fence Around Island. To Prevent The Zombies From Escaping And Infecting The Rest Of Reach.


    Zombie Spawn

    Stairs To Heaven

    Human Spawn


    Bottom Of Elevator

    Top Of Elevator

    Elevator Shaft / Human Spawn / Garage

    Please Download, Leave Comments, Edit And Reupload
    #1 Boom Dead FAIL, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  2. Psquiddy

    Psquiddy Forerunner

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    Nicely done, needs work

    Mmmmkay, where to start, O.K., let's do this be catagories.

    Weapons: To start this off, lets do this in the perspective of most N00Bs or basic players.
    *player walks into room* "Holy crap! Check this out!". The player would now proceed to grab the power-weapons, which would include;
    Spartan Laser
    Gravity Hammer
    Plasma Launcher
    Energy Sword

    Now, you have a very, urm, colorful layout, but when it comes to the basics, too much is too much, say you have 6 people playing. 5 people would be humans, now, imaging what the infected player, who has only an energy sword, has to go through, he is dodging rockets, sniper bullets, spartan lasers, and not to mention heat-seeking plasma grenades, that doesn't seem very fair, now does it? For a good weapon layout, you should stick to the Shotty, DMR, and Assault rifle. When placing power weapons on the map, have at maximum 2, probably the Sniper and the Rockets, and keep their respawn times above 160 seconds, so that the infected has a chance, and the humans actually have to try.

    Vehicles: Mkay, what do we have here, four (4) Rocket-Warthogs, two (2) plasma-mortar launching Revenants, and two (2) Mongoose. Right there that's 20 seats, and since you can have at maximum 16 people, with at minimum 1 infected, that's only 15 seats needed, now ask yourself, "Who is going to take a Mongoose when they could take a Revenant or a Warthog ?" and then ask yourself, "What about the people that would be forced to take the Mongoose?". When it comes to vehicles, the Rocket-Warthog is fun to use, but a pain-in-the-ass to dodge, and now, since each one fires 6 rockets, if each Warthog is manned (turret) and there is one infected in their sights, that's 24 Rockets at one time, and if they take turns firing, by the time Warthog #4 is firing, Warthog #1 is re-loaded! Imagine that situation! And just what is the purpose of the Garage anyway?

    I'm not saying it's a bad map, I'm just saying it needs improvement :)
  3. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    agree with whats stated above you over power people with many options. I recomend that if you want to keep these things then give an armory less powerful weapons so they can still have a selection and for the garage maybe one mongoose and one warthog remember you want to at least give the zombie a slight chance after all this is "Zombie Island" I think in that term that means zombies should be a BAD A** and be able to attack the humans with some heavy stuff! :D
  4. H3nry0wnzAll

    H3nry0wnzAll Forerunner

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    Too overpowered for the humans. Zombies would need like, 4x overshields and some really good weapons other than an energy sword to actually have the opportunity to kill the humans.
  5. Boom Dead FAIL

    Boom Dead FAIL Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ok, so i have deleted all of the: Rockets, Spartan Laser, Gravity Hammer, Plasma Launcher, Energy Sword, Warthogs, and renvant And Monguse. I Put 4 Monguse Outside The Infected Spawn. I Have Left The Sniper Rifels Because It Is A Big Map. I Put 2 Default Warthogs and 2 Gauss in the Garage.The reason i put a Garage is so the Infected Cant Use the Lift As A short Cut, but the humans can get there vehicles, and once the infected get to the platform they can steal the warthogs, also so people cant be pussies and turnaround after they see the infected hiding by the door, it also prevents, idiots from destroying the other teams warthogs.

    Ps. it was Original a prison island slayer map i made a few months ago but i got bored and made it into an infected island
    #5 Boom Dead FAIL, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  6. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    ok, ill say it.

    Gauss hogs are death on wheels. their nearly impossible to dodge unless you anticipate the shot and dodge before they ever pull the trigger. its like a sniper round, fused with a rocket, fused with a laser. its basically an instakill cannon.

    now, also, the only way into the garage is through the lift, so what prevents humans from camping the lift, either with a shotty, or even with the gauss cannon itself, and just hitting the start off zombie from the get go?

    also, the humans have falcons... how could no one point this out? whats stopping them from just flying around and never landing? itd make it boring for the zombie, by anyones standards.

    not to mention, you have only one spawn area for the zombies. itd only take one splatter with the gauss hog at the start to bring about the end of the game. one guy plows the zombie down, then spawnkills as they come.
  7. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I beleive there are a few infection making guides on here that might help you so you can improve your view of the easy to use-hard to master gametype Bungie calls infection.

    Plasma Blades guide is a nice one and covers alot of stuff. I think it focuses on campaign infection but still has the basics. Heres a link

    P.S. everyone here is just trying to help you out, not complain. :)
  8. Psquiddy

    Psquiddy Forerunner

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    Glad to See some changes, but as I said, limit the snipers, even if it is a big map, place a lot of cover for the Infected, and I suggest giving the Infected a custom powerup, mid-game for an advantage to spice things up a bit :)
  9. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    I agree
    No Gauss
    No Falcon
    No multi-Snipers
    Improve on the map
    Dont forget Bounderies
  10. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Actually with the improvements it plays well and smooth with some challenge, but this is taking into account that when my friends and I play were not looser that camps. I would just remember to limit things, but it is a good map! :D
  11. Dean PHD

    Dean PHD Forerunner

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    Nice. I am working on a Zombie invasion map similar to what it looks like you have going on. I am still weeks away from gettin mine done though. I will give yours a DL to compare. Keep up the good work brother.

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