Arcadian Chapel

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by A SILENT EMU, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Any lag is unacceptable, even for casual games. Deal with it bad kid.
    Fun and originality? I told you that the design is a very uninspiring, simplistic two base sym right? The design is more simplistic than Onslaught... And thats pretty bad.
    MLG Uninspiring? Please, pop over to our forums. Check out the stuff that Ladnil, Fritz, Sethiroth, Bleuprint and the likes pop out. These are guys that can not only incorporate aesthetics into their maps without frame rate issues, they also have fresh and innovating designs. Get over it, you suck.
    Your sarcasm is almost amusing, but simply said, you suck at forging and it doesn't matter how many idiots praise your garbage as being something good... At the end of the day, in the eyes of any competent forger, its still garbage.

    If this and my previous post didn't make it clear enough, your map is bad and you forge like a 12 year old kid.

    OT: Forgers like you are the epitome of why FH gets such a bad rep amongst experienced forgers. I try to tell veterans that there are solid forgers outside the MLG community and they always bring up garbage like your Crystal Summit Observatory. Learn the limitations of forge and how to overcome/work with it. Your hurting your own community by making maps like this.
    #21 SecretSchnitzel, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2011

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why so defensive, I was basically saying it was a matter of opinion, did a strike a nerve? Resorting to calling names? Bad kid? Haha for someone who is obsessed with competitive gameplay but has a below 1.0 k/d in multiplayer I can shrug that off pretty easily and disregard your opinion.

    Yes, to me these kind of maps are fun and original and yours are not. Like I said though that is a matter of opinion. Maybe once I can tell one of your maps apart from the other, you get more than 50 dl's on one of your maps, or you get that k/d up I can actually hold some value to your competitive map opinion.

    I must be doing something right because all of my maps have a lot more dl's and recommendations than yours so you can make up whatever excuses you want but a lot of people like my maps and style so get over it and move on with your life.

    I guess you just can't accept differences though and you take pride in being "the most hated person on forge hub" because it makes you feel like some sort of a rebel or bad ass. Either that or you get **** on in real life or just have no friends. Maybe when you grow up a bit you'll find out that being such a tool all the time doesn't work out so well in life.

    In the end I'll keep forging maps how I like to and sharing them with the community who generally seem to enjoy them. There is no right or wrong way to make a map except maybe in your elitest, "esoteric gamer" mind lol. kthxbye please stop spamming my map and being a **** rider even though you probably won't.
  3. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, download counts actually mean something right? Lol! I'll have you know, Select (v1) had close to 100 recommendations, spent over a week on the most recommended page as well as most downloaded page, won a FHF here, was featured at MLG (much harder than a feature here), as well as was picked by three different Community Cartographers to be submitted to Jeramiah. Which map of yours has had that much success now? Yeah... STFU please.

    As far as calling me "a loser" or a "tool" in real life, or implying I some how have a lacking life or lack success, wouldn't you say that's sinking a little bit lower than me insulting your map making skills?

    As far as making a MAP, a PLAYABLE MAP, there is a right and wrong way. Map design in itself is an art, what you create pales in comparison. Shallow design, shallow aesthetics, yet appeals to shallow kids who don't know any better.

    And please, check out some of the maps by Fritz, Ladnil, Sethiroth, Solo xiii, and Bleuprint. Heck, even look at the stuff by SaLoT, DeathstarsOG, and Unoverated. You'll find more color and unique structures in these without the use of gimicks like lights and special effects. Theres a way to incorporate solid aesthetics into maps that works, these guys can do it so why can't you?
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Quit the flame-war.

    If you both can't counter each other's points without resorting to insults don't bother commenting at all.

    Consider this a warning before infractions are handed out.
  5. Kommisar Kyn

    Kommisar Kyn Forerunner

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    I have yet to actually play on the map, but from the screen-shots provided, this map is looking VERY appealing. I particularly like how you seem to have created a very Aesthetically pleasing map, that still looks fun to navigate and play in. Good work!


    ***** got told
    #25 Kommisar Kyn, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  6. Papamidnight

    Papamidnight Forerunner

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    Sweet map Man! downloaded it and played several interesting and intense matches, the layout of both weapons and spawn points + the amaaAaazing aesthetics make this on of my favorite maps!!! hope you make some more... (seriously :{D )
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think it have to much of power weapon ? Maybe just keep the 2 Plasma Launcher or the 2 Focus Rifle with a Shotgun or a Sword . I didint play it but the map looks clean and an amazing forge style on this treasury ! (My opinion )

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    @ SecretSchnitzel, I just don't even care anymore. Take your ego somewhere else.
    @ Everyone else who has posted recently. Thanks for the actual feedback, I am glad most of you are enjoying the map. Also I do have more maps planned for later on so stay tuned. As for the power weapons, it is a pretty big map with all the power weapons spaced out a lot and two of the power weapons are slayer modes only but I'll look into it. Thanks for the tip.
  9. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alright, you want real feed back on what to change?

    - Drop the lights
    - Change the walls from Tunnel Longs into something with less glass
    - Get rid of the divider slot in the ramps
    - Clean up the top of the bases, especially where the upside down bridge angles into the floor.
    - Try to swap out some of the Large Walkway Covers making the ceiling.
    - Restructure the top middle bridge so that it isn't a straight shot down the middle.

    These changes should help alleviate frame rate lag as well as improve movement on the map.
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pieces with a glass surface do not cause framerate lag as the engine is still rendering one object.
    This is a common mistake made by players assuming that because glass is see through, it has to make the engine render textures behind it. However, this doesn't cause any strain because it's object density that causes framerate lag or having too many items visible at the same part.

    Basically, the only "Glass" pieces that will cause framerate lag are Window Double's and Cover Glass's as these are just windows themselves and force players to render every other object behind them.
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its not the glassy surface on these pieces per say that results in it being a poor performance piece in regards to framerate, but it is a piece that does impact frame rate all the same. There are a number of things that impact frame rate with pieces, whether it be glass, textures, or absurd polygon counts. Thing is though, Tunnel Longs is one of those pieces that can only be used sparingly because of its flaws as a piece.

    I actually had similar walling in an earlier version of my latest map, Despair, however I removed it because it impacted the frame rate slightly in test games. It may not be a bad piece in general, but when there are other factors thrown into the equation such as explosions and player count, frames are dropped and the piece performance is sub-optimal.
    #31 SecretSchnitzel, Apr 19, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2011
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    True, the item itself has more polygons, and I'm guessing because of this it requires more dedicated memory assigned to it, but in the extent of dismissing the piece because it has more detail is not recommended unless the space can be filled with a single piece that requires less memory... in the sense, that's all framerate lag boils down to, memory.

    However, I've also found that the majority of framerate's impact is greater when under the stress of a poor connected game, hence why some people find certain maps to have framerate issues and other maps to have none.

    Another factor people don't consider is when players enter 3rd person mode and their own spartan is rendered for example, when using mongeese, or turrets.

    I could go into an unbelievable amount of detail when describing certain findings on framerate lag, but none of them suggest removing all types of certain pieces. The map layout is the biggest factor of framerate imo, not the pieces themselves.

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    Actually I think a lot of the frame rate lag is caused by z-fighting. On my run through a saw quite a few spots with it.

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