Conquest map pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by jdino188, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    Check out my new halo reach map pack. the map pack trailer is below.

    YouTube - Conquest Map Pack

    7 new maps by Jdino188

    The Cove

    updated 4/16/11 with new gametype " conquest " and touch ups to maps.




    YouTube - Quick Look Apparatus

    Apparatus - a symetrical map that is designed off of hemmorage except it has two drilling structures in the middle. It also has 3 teleporters in each base 1 to the other teams base and the other 2 are to travel to the drilling platforms in the middle of the map it supports CTF, conquest (my version), this map containes 2 falcons 2 rocket hogs and 2 default hogs to focus on bigger vehicle action. There is a sniper in the middle behind the hogs on each base and there is a rocket launcher on each drilling platform and last but not least a grenade launcher in the middle of the rock area in the middle of the map

    *update*- bridges on drilling platforms have been removed. teleoprters to drilling platforms have also been removed but replaced with grave lifts. also the gravlift at the base has been moved to the middle of the base so u now can ramp up the structures outside of the base to jump into the base much more smoothly . now supports conquest


    YouTube - Quick Look Cavern

    Cavern - a symetrical map that is ideal for FFA matches and also doubles matches it is designed in a oval formation but has a circular center that has 4 exit ways 2 are to a tunnel that containes a shotgun that then ramps back up into the oval and 2 other exits that take u to a storage room wih a teleporters that teleports u back up to a different part of the oval on the map . It has 2 shotguns in the tunnels a rocket launcher in the middle and 2 sniper rifles on the sniper leadges on each side of the map
    it supports CTF and slayer

    *update* added middle bridge to the center of the map. now supports conquest.


    YouTube - Quick Look Contention

    Contention - an asymetrical map that is desinged only for invasion . In this map Spartans start off in a grass area just behind the cave they then enter the cave and attempt to deactivate one of the generators to disable the sheilds on the bridge . After that is complete a default warthhog spawns , a sniper and shotgun spawn in the cave and a ghost spawns for the eliets . In phase 2 the Spartans need to disengadge the generators on the bridge to lower he sheilds on the main base . After complete falcon and guass hog spawn and a Spartan laser spawns and eliets get a banshee, plasma launcher and a focus rifle . In phase 3 the goal is to retrive the core on the second floor of the base and to deliver it up he cat walk on the 3 floor to do so u need to enter the base navigate up the structures inside the base and get the core then use the center man-cannon to get the the 3rd floor once there take it to the back where the catwalk is and reach the too to win the round it's a crazy fun map and supports only invasion with great infantry battles and vehicle battles.

    *update* - hasnt been updated still the same awesome action u get as before.


    YouTube - Quick Look Docked

    Docked - an asymetrical map that was designed to resemble a docking bay on reach . This map is ideal for objective game types because of it's flexible design it supports most gametypes in a perfect way. This map also features a device called the dispenser this isn't used much in game play ( I was lucky to get a kill with it ) it was simply a device i put in to make the map appear to have somthing actually working on the map ( a crate dispenser ) to activate it u simply run under and shoot at the half visible fusion coil which then destroyes the sheild holding the crates and it dispences about 3 crates to come tumbling down on whatever idiot u can convince to stand there but it is extremly satisfying to get a kill with . This map has 2 snipers one at the top of the lighthouse and one at the base of the crane . 1 rocket launcher on the second level of the map on the structure just by the gravity slide . 1 shotgun lowest level on the map to the far right on the walkway
    1 grenade launcher behind the red base spawn drop down to the left . This map supports KOTH CTF HH STKP OB

    *update*- added generators on the map. patched up some areas. added additonal kill boundaries now supports conquest


    YouTube - Quick Look Overhang

    Overhang - a symetrical map designed somewhat like boarding action from halo 1 . It has two bases that have one direct route to the other , a gravity lift . There is also a teleporter at each base going into eaither on of these brings u into the train in the middle of the map the train is a big game changer specifically for CTF games because one team will grab the flag run it into The teleporter then all they have to do is cross to the other teleporter on the other side of the train but there is a open hatch at the top of the train allowing players to ambush flag carriers or assasinate train users . It's very fun to play CTF on and slayer . This map supports CTF SLYR And OB It has a sniper underneath both bases a shotgun inside both bases and a grenade launcher in the middle of the train

    *update* didnt add much new but now supports conquest


    YouTube - Quick Look Shipyard

    Shipyard - is a asymetrical map that is designed for BTB play and specifically for infantry based BTB only monguses are on the map for faster travel . No other vehicles . This map is a very well rounded map such as Docked but supports more players with a totally different terrain scheme. This map is ideal for BTB slayer and STKP and supports CTF HH And OB . An interesting thing on this map is the large crane on the red team side it is alot taller then he blue teams crane but has its set of disadvantages to make both sides equal . The Large crane has no guard rails- small crane does . Large crane is an instant death if u fall - small crane u can survive . Large crane has canon mans on the back of it to get u up there but can easily be used to shoot grenades up and nock people off the crane - small crane dosnt the only good thing about the large crane is it has a hight advantage and has one spot u can jump off into a one way shield to survive the fall .There is 2 snipers on this map one at the base of the small crane and one at the base of the large crane There is 1 rocket launcher on the lower deck of the ship there's 1 shotgun inside the computers room . There's a sword in the cave inside the mountain and a grenade launcher underneath the turret room in the middle of the map .

    *update*- not much edited buy now supports conquest


    YouTube - Quick Look The Cove

    The cove - one of my most favorited maps of all time this map is an asymetrical map designed to be a artificail island base for the UNSC . This map might look small but it has alot of hidden areas that u can't see by first glance so in other words it has alot of free-rome space . Another great thing about this map is that it has. Great fluidity to it i.e it can support up to 16 players but also have only 4 because of the design it usually gets players meeting eachother in perfect encounters . It is to hard to explain the actual layout of the map so u will have to see it for yourself . It has one gravity hammer by the red teams short bridge . 1 shotgun below the red team base ( the basement) 2 snipers one in the blue team tower one in the red team tower . And a grenade launcher on the blue teams long bridge . This map supports TS FFA CTF OB HH KOTH

    *update*- added additonal exit to the 2nd floor of redbase added additonal kill boundaries. now supports conquest.

    that about sums up my maps be sure to download below :)

    The Conquest Map Pack is available at

    *update* - maps will have same name but will be the updated version on this link: : Reach : Player File Sets

    Download, enjoy, and tell your friends!
    #1 jdino188, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    People would really like to know what they are downloading, I reccommend at least one picture each.
  3. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    I'll check the video out later but I did want to ask if the name of the map pack implies that the maps are geared towards the Conquest gametype that is out there or is that just coincidence?
  4. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yea preatty much a coincidence i didint intend on it being geard twoards conquest gametype
  5. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Ok I kind of figured. Having watched the videos I figured I would at least toss out some helpful info:

    - Contention - looks like an Invasion map. Looks pretty good too. Guessing you start out in the cave and attack the man structure on the island? Also epic Warthog flip is epic.

    - Docked - looks like a Slayer/Objective map and actually looks like a docking yard of some sort. Cover looks pretty good and I particularly like the crate drop mechanic, perhaps a detailed explanation of how that works would help people out.

    - The Cove - 2v2 to 4v4 slayer map it looks like. It almost feels too small but that may just be from what I saw in the video.

    - Apparatus - More or less Hemorrhage but the bases are very expanded and there are some neat structures in the middle, also air combat. The Zip Lines going out of the bass look cool. How many ground vehicles are there?

    - Shipyard - I honestly didn't get a good gauge of the map from the video, sorry.

    - Overhang - Feels like it was inspired by Boarding Action and it's set up between Montana and Alaska.

    - Cavern - Seems like a good FFA map

    Overall the maps all have their appeal, perhaps more details and what not of each map would help people out.

    Also I see that you have overview pictures in your fileshare, I would recommend putting them on an image hosting site and embedding them in this thread.
    #5 Natetendo83, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  6. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    You would get more downloads If you actually embedded the video into the thread. What exactly are you downloading? Which one of the maps?
  7. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    thanks for the helpfull feedback i dont know if im gunna add alot more detail i figure if people like the look and layout from the vid they will download it to see it in more detail also the cove is an amazing map because its looks are deciving it actually is ideal for BTB as well because it has alot of rome space anyways i will update this thread with the overview of each map and a description of them as well as some of my tips and strategies and the gametypes it supports thanks for the feedback :D

    Edited by merge:

    yea i am goin to edit this thread 2mro dont worry ill embed the video aswell as descriptions of all the maps and stratigies and tips i have.
    #7 jdino188, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  8. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
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    Stop being a little troll and actually comment on the maps.

    I personally like all 7 of them, but Contention stands out from the rest for me, I'm not even an Invasion kind of guy. The warthog flip was very impressive if I do say so myself (just thought that was a notable thing).
    Well I'm extremely impressed with the maps and hope you keep up the good work!
  9. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I liked the look of all 7 maps, but the CTF gameplay on Overhang looked the best. That said, next time you make a video maybe devote more time to overview/exploration shots, many of the firefights showed little about the map, just assassinations. Invasion has always been my interest, so contention also looks cool to me. Why don't you bring it over to the Invasion Testing Sign UP thread in the customs lobby, we are trying to round up people for an eventual BTB/Invasion custom's night and we would be glad to play it if you come. Overall, very nice maps, but maybe spread them out more so you can address each individually, that is what I plan to do with my map pack when it is ready.
  10. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

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    They look really great, I think i will download them in the morning though, excellent work on all the layouts though
  11. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Yes I agree that It would be best to have a individual post for each map, that would definately help you explain you ideas and the maps better.
  12. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    yea well idk it would have taken longer but i did get those paragraphs up to explain the maps alot better and i will also get a Quick look video up for each map just showing me playing a game on the maps so that u guys can see the maps from a first-person prespective :D
  13. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

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    I think they are great, and i love the way you used tin cups to make the grass on The Cove :)
  14. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Okay. After reviewing your video, I am supremely impressed. Although you video was very OVERWELMING, your maps are impressive. I really wish that you would post each map idividually. But the presentation for all your maps is good.

    Now on to the maps:
    Contention- The gameplay looks fun. I like the spot that you choose to position this map. The cave did add a great deal to the map overall. The bridge could honestly use some work. It was a bit lacking especially with the plain window colliseums on the sides. I'm just saying this based on a view from far away.

    Docked- This map looks like great fun. There are just enough aesthetics for this map. The dropping crate idea was interesting. The idea of a dock map is not original but you did do a good job.

    Cove- The aesthetics look good. Game play looks okay. I can't really judge much about this because that part of the video does not reveal much about the map. But it does look like a sort of version of pinnicle.

    Apparatus- I believe this map is the absolute perfect example of a competitive map. The gameplay looks crazy fun yet super controlled. Looks like it would be amazing for capture the flag. Definitely a BTB map. The bases a large a fit. The outer buildings are okay.

    Shipyard- is my least favorite. I sorry, but I can't really explain why. The aesthetics on the ships are great, don't get me wrong, but I don't like the flow of the map.

    Overhang- is okay. It reminds me of a halo 1 map. I can't remember which but I think that it was two ships out in space up along side each other and you would shoot across and there were a lot of teleporters.

    Cavern- This map is definitely my favorite. I love this map. It apears that it would be so fun to play on. I like the rocks, the do feel as though the fit and belong with the other items and blocks. Aesthetics are cool. This feels for this map is just great. Good job.

    OVERALL: Great map pack, but please, next time you have some maps, Post them individually. This would help forgehub to comment on your maps. Just my opinion. GOOD JOB>
  15. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
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    thanks so much man this helps alot i will be posting some gameplay videos of all of the maps by 2mro soo check in then if u want to see the maps more in depth also shipyard is like my 3rd fav :( hahaha its ok if u dont like it tho but u gotta play on it first because it its really fun with about 12 players but thanks for all the feed back i really appreciate it and i will soon be putting together a some playdates for people to come and test out the maps so stay tuned ! :D
  16. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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  17. Lolmeister

    Lolmeister Forerunner

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    Those maps are really good, you must have worked for weeks to make those maps.
    Personally my favourite is Apparatus because of the aesthetics and design of the map.

    Once again well done for the amazing maps you definately have my download
    #17 Lolmeister, Apr 16, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2011
  18. Maniacal Z78

    Maniacal Z78 Forerunner
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    Gonna give all seven a DL. Your video was a good advertisement. Looks good. Hope they play just as good.
  19. quadphib

    quadphib Ancient
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    Well, Jdino188, congrats on your whole conquest map pack but let us get off subject for one post. I am making my own map pack with 4 maps of my own could I perhaps have the right to let my maps play with your conquest gametype?
  20. jdino188

    jdino188 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yea idc quadphib u can use it

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