
Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by xSoGx Grim, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    “Your judgement has waited long enough"

    Arbiter was once an honorable and sacred rank within the Sangheili military. In a sense it was an extension of a general and would be awarded to individuals with extraordinary skill in combat and tactics. Perhaps even a rank which was passed down through generations within a clan.
    To establish their hierarchical superiority, the San 'Shyuum (Prophets) pronounced this once highly regarded rank as "shameful" with only one path to salvation- death in line of duty. This change may have happened after a rebellion of a single Sangheili Arbiter, who stood against the irrational ways of the new Covenant.
    From that point on the Arbiter would serve as the executing blade for the Covenant, a direct messenger of the Prophets. The rank of Arbiter would be used in the times of need. It would be given to skilled warriors who have in some way shamed their name. They would be tasked with suicidal missions, when fallen, another would take their place and the rank.

    YouTube - Video Request .:Arbiter by xSoGx Grim:.

    -Although this project represents the Arbiter as a general idea, it was modeled greatly after Ripa Moramee of "Halo Wars."
    From early youth, Ripa trained with two blades and thereby carried the insignia of his clan. With his formidable prowess over any other sangheili (8'1") he quickly rose through the ranks within the Covenant and gained the reputation of a brutal and heartless killer. Even during his unit's investigation of Forerunner relics, he would execute anyone on the spot who ventured too close believing that no one was worthy to come in contact with the relics except for himself.
    Ripa took place as the commander during one of the major grunt rebellions crushing the Unggoy, and in another action defeat the Jackal prince and his forces. Later Ripa Moramee led an assault on his clan's keep at Decided Heart. He was defeated and thrown into prison for his attempt and failure.
    He was successful in a breakout with a use of a ripped out guard plasma turret only to be hunted down, captured and sentenced to death.
    Were it not for the Prophet of Regret the sentence would have been carried out. Instead, Ripa Moramee ascended as the new Arbiter and was tasked with the extermination of humanity 20 years before the events of Halo 1.



















    Again special thanks to xSoGx Patriot for the sick cover.
    And Rifte Gifle for an outstanding job with the video.
    More content coming to the thread soon.
    #1 xSoGx Grim, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2011
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    HOLY ****!
    That's your best work yet!
  3. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    GRIM YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN! And I think this is your best creation yet!
    It's just totally perfect!! Keep it up!
  4. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Even more awesome artwork from Grim... Awesome.
  5. HaloCod

    HaloCod Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I've never seen Arbiter before. This is amazing!
  6. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Realistic. I love the energy swords. I also like the complexion you added on the back.
  7. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree with all of Erupt's points, this is amazing Grim, definitely among your best work which IMO is the Skirmisher, Prophet and THIS, maybe I just love your covy work either way fantastic job. A question though, is your covy stuff usually harder to forge with all the curves and such?


    Likes Received:
    Your forge art is incredible grim.
  9. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Holy Mother Ballsack!! Arby is done! This might have just gone above skirmisher in my list of your best forge arts. You better watch out though, there might not be anythig left to make massive statues out of soon. Lovely job!
  10. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    I have to say, I think this is your greatest work yet. It's as if the very qualities that make up the personality of the Arbiter are exemplified by many of the characteristics of your Forge sculpture: the pose, the eyes, the two swords, the EYES.

    Anyway, excellent work! I have been blown away once again.
  11. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Erupt did have multiple compelling points indeed. Hey thanks, in all honesty Covenant projects are always for some reason more interesting to create. Spartans although different from each other require a lot of rules and guidlines. With Covenant I can essentially take a thick brush and swing away at the wall.
    I mentioned this on the map preview section a few weeks back. This entire Arbiter project was once deleted, and this guy has been rebuilt from the ground up in the footsteps of his predicessor. I blame not Stosh, but Kat. Ok Stosh a little bit..
  12. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    agreed, that is pure awesomeness love his mandibles, but the swords seem to thin to me.
  13. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Before this gets carried away, let me use my post to address the mind-boggling amount of spam in this thread.

    Stop it.

    "That is all".
  14. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Scaring people away BT, not very nice..
    Let the community speak its mind.
    After all not like I pump out a map every day. These things take time and precision.
  15. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We still have rules here, they also apply to your maps. Sure, you can't provide the same amount of feedback for a Aesthetic map like you could do for a Competitive, since the gameplay factor is non-existent, but some of these comments in here are just ridiculous, everyone confirmed ForgeHubs rules when he joined, it's our job to remind you that we didn't change them in the meantime
  16. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    o_O This is the best one yet! Making Spartans was amazing but making the arbitor just beats the entire noble team.The organic feel of the arbitor compared to spartans is harder to mak and you made it look amazing.The eyes are also spectacular and bring out the peice even more. The swords are cool but they seem a little blunt but that cant be helped.brilliant job...keep the amazing work up...
    #16 anime halo, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2011
  17. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I honestly don't know how you can say this is his best work, if ALL of his creations are simply beautiful and perfect in every way, therefore ALL of his creations are his best work. Great job yet again Grim.

    PS: I hadn't a clue this was posted yet. Send me a noti next time. ;)
  18. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Grim! This is truly amazing! Arbiter is your best work yet and OMFG! Dual wield swords! :O:O:O:O

    His shoulders and leggings are very neat! The swords are done well too. Nice job!
  19. LexisaurusRex23

    LexisaurusRex23 Forerunner

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    Oh Grim, as you know i'm not a big "forgehubber" but I do not, I repeat not, know how this is not worthy of a feature. Your Covenant creations have always been my favorite because they are not human-like, which we see everyday. But you always pay attention to the little details in their armor, or find a way to pick a stance that catches your eye no matter what. Even someone who doesn't play Halo or doesn't forge would see this and their jaws would be on the floor. I. Freaking. Love. This.

    Also, I love love love Patriot's cover for this!!! :) It is now the background to my phone. Andddd I love love looove Rifte's video! Very legit..
  20. Josh1129

    Josh1129 Forerunner

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    I have all of his maps so far each one gets better and bettter I absolutely love Grims work Keep it UP!

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