THE UPDATED VERSION IS DONE My insperation for this map was i was playing in the team snipers playlist and nearlly every map you end up havin that no-scoping duel where your both moving left and right like an idiot. I got so sick of it because people keep votting for these close quarters maps, where as sniping is meant for maps like hemorige. So inlihgt of my frustration i made my own game specific map. The map is set up purelly for bungie's team snipers gametype, there are no weopons on the map as you spawn with the sniper rifle. I included a warthog at each base but you have to set the vehicles to map default, otherwise youll end up with a mongoose. front of blue base back of blue base front of red base back of red base Each base has plenty of places to sniper from. Both base's are similar in that they use almost the same items but they are slightly diferent from eachover. At the front of each base, the walkway's have castle style covers so they provide plentty of cover but also alowing plenty of sniping positions. The back of each base is left uncovered so that you can use the warthog to drive around the back and score some extra kills. the vehicle is the only way acrros the bridge. hope you enjoy this map
I wanted to eliminate the close quarter sniper fights and make it so you have to use the sniper's full potential. but i had thouhts of dooing a re-make that includes more gametypes, then i would add another way to get across and some more vehicles
This map looks perfect for normal BTB, why have you made it so it only supports Team Snipers? I think this map would be much better if you simply added in some more gametypes and threw some weapons around. I love team snipers but I hate to see a good map go to waste if you're only going to set it up for Snipers. The layout makes this map seem a great candidate for some fastpaced BTB vehicle combat. I dont like the use of the colliseum walls. Instead of using them, why don't you use a soft kill barrier to tell players that they are too far away from the combat zome, instead of just using those ugly colliseum walls.
I agree they do look alitle bland but the map needed some sort of physical barrier there as the terain slopes away quite quickly out the side, i had the thought that it gave the impresion of a high security base on the border of two countries that had broken into war hence the destroyed bridge . There is a soft kill zone at the back of each base so if a player desides to go for a walk past the boom gates they get slaped in the face with a ten second countdown. Thanks for your feedback it is well apretiated
I would like to see some more paths. The destroyed bridge in the middle is a nice aspect. Will you make the map compatible for more game modes?
Cool map, i will dl and try it out tommorow, but a couple of things first. 1, work on your spelling, it's understandable, but it sort of is agitating... 2, you should make it for other gametypes, like everyone else is saying. 3, the back of each base is really open. If you can, i would recommend putting more cover back there. 4, good idea with the bridge!!! If you want 2 forge with me sometime, my gt is darknessdays6.
This looks to be a really fun BTB map. Bungie should include it in their playlist. I really like a lot of your structures and weapon placement and overall it is a great map. I think having a physical and kill barrier around the map is a good idea too. Good job on the map hope to see more.
I love the fact that most maps that take place here have large bridges you have to cross, but this one is blown up lol. It does seem that your map is to open on the backs though which might really get annoying in slayer. Fix this problem and you could have one good looking map! great map!
Thanks for all your feedback Sorry about the spelling ill be more carefull next time. I am working on the map right now wich will include another way acrros the canyon, cater for more gametypes, and a bit more protection at the back. My first intentions for this map was purelly team snipers and i left the back of the base uncovered for the warthog and that most of your attention will be looking at the other base, and i admit i was a bit hasty in putting this map up. an updated version will be commin soon. thanks ps my g button is broken on my laptop so there is something i can blame crappy spelling on