Modern House Relocated

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Stopex, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. Stopex

    Stopex Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello, Stopex posting again.... what else would I be doing?
    (Don't answer that!)

    Creator: Stopex
    Ideas/Help: Alec 3 Tears & xxSalty Daltyxx
    (There dalton, Happy?)

    But in all serious-ness-ness the map I present to you is
    Modern House Relocated

    Whole view

    Where you start. 1 mongoose and 1 warthog (Bottom right)

    Bridge to get across.

    Living room (View of couch)

    Living room (Whole computer view)

    Computer (keyboard view)

    Downstairs bathroom

    Whole Kitchen view

    Upstairs guestroom

    xxSalty Daltyxx's Room


    Alec 3 Tears's Room


    Upstairs master bathroom

    Bathtub/Shower/Hot tub?

    Stopex's room (MY ROOM STAYOUT!!!!)

    (I didnt take a pic of the bed, sorry... Its actually not special. Its like the other Double beds)

    To check out the FIRST Modern House click the link here: Modern House
    Hope you enjoy!
    #1 Stopex, Apr 15, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2011
  2. xxSalty daltyxx

    xxSalty daltyxx Forerunner

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    umm... you forgot to say who helped u

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