Comics, Graphic Novels and Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I finished reading BLACKEST NIGHT a few days ago. It's incredible. It has such an epic feel to it and while it's essentially a huge fight scene, that hardly matters. His use of the different lanterns and characters was awesome and at times, rather unexpected. Geoff Johns' ability as a writer continues to astound me, every piece of dialogue flows so naturally as the story unravels itself.

    Speaking of Geoff Johns, I also read Flash: Rebirth. It does have some assumed knowledge but it's still very entertainment.
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    the only blackest night available to me easily is part by part in comics across different heros :/

    i bought unmanned (y the last man)
    seems pretty good so far. set me back a few monies for the amount of story progression.
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Really? Because it's in pretty high demand; should be readily available in most comic stores.

    I've read quite a few things in the past few weeks, to name a few...

    Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul
    Fantastic use of the character as well as the whole Bat-family, it's hard to come across quality Ra's stories collected in trade so this is something to check out if you. While the ending is fairly weak and abrupt, all the fun of this story is within the journey.

    Batman: The Cult
    It's been compared to The Dark Knight Returns, in terms of the dark, gritty tone of the story for their time. Personally I enjoyed the Cult much more than Dark Knight Returns. Basic premise is Batman is pretty much brainwashed into doing the bidding of Deacon Blackfire, he must break free and stop Blackfire. What makes this more special is that this one of two stories collected in trade that features Jason Todd as Robin(the other being A Death in the Family). While the art is a little dated, it's a very well told story that grows increasingly brutal in showing Batman at one of his weakest points. If you love Batman and fairly well versed on the character, it's one to read.

    Identity Crisis
    My god, this story is amazing. Up there as one of the best things I've read EVER. It's basically a murder mystery; the wife of a Superhero is killed and the DC Crew does not rest until the killer is brought to justice. It's so emotionally charged; the scene with Tim Drake (you'll know it if you've read it) is so intense that words can hardly desribe. It'll have you guessing all the way and I can guarantee that you won't see the ending coming. It also features one of the finest examples of why Deathstroke is so awesome in a fantastic action scene where he seriously kicks some ass. The great thing about this story is that it utilises a lot of the lesser established characters while still keeping all the big league DC characters in the limelight. It's definitely something you HAVE to read regardless of whether you prefer DC or Marvel or even read comics in general, it's truly magical.
  4. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i'll look them up next i visit my local store. maybe tomorrow :D
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    so i was thinking...
    just randomly about what would make a good comic, and i started thinking about this:
    so in the middle of the 20th century, the ozone begins to deplete, but in this reality, noone notices. time progresses and soon crop yields start to fail due to the increase in radiation, striking the poorer countries first, forcing them into starvation, while in richer countries, there are food riots as prices skyrocket. billions of people die etc etc - cue start of comic.

    whaddya think?
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    add these to your must-read lists.
    both world-shatteringly good.

    ronin is only 6 books, but BotI is an immense saga.
    plus the art in Blade is ridiculous. every panel is a masterpiece.
    worth your time, i promise.
  7. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I read some graphic novel called eV, but I take what I said back. I just finished Scott Pilgrim yesterday and it was awesome.
  8. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Just finished Punisher MAX.

    AWESOME stuff. Jason Aaron is easily picking up where Garth Ennis left off and is doing a great job of continuing the mythos without ruining what made the original run great. Very gritty and dirty, sometimes more than necessary, but whatever.

    Definitely picking it up when it comes out in a trade.
  9. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    picked up secret invasion today. good read so far, much more substance than civil war.
  10. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Does anyone read MegaTokyo?
  11. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    Im reading through preacher right now, sat there for hours reading the second volume yesterday. **** is fantastic, it doesnt even feel like reading, even moreso than Watchmen

    Thank you sarge for forcing it down my throat ahah
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    you can also thank me for forcing it down sarges throat. no ****.
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Past couple weeks, I caught up on the past few volumes of Deadpool. And I also finished Crisis on Infinite Earths last week. My god, is it long-winded. Don't get me wrong it's great (in parts) but it's really long and full of characters that you just don't care about. By far the best part of Crisis is The Flash. Barry Allen is a total badass in this. I also just started Infinite Crisis.

    Also, I noticed there really hasn't been any discussion on The Walking Dead. Who's read it? (And for that matter, who's watched the show?) I'm currently up to date, I've read up to issue #83 and I've got all 13 available volumes. It's one of the best things I've read, it's consistently entertaining and shocking. Storytelling at it's finest.

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