This is a small symmetrical map designed for FFA and 2v2 multiflag.It has some skillfull jumps that should give those who are skilled enough an advantage.This map required a whole redesign as the original had lots of frame lag. Weapons list: 8 DMR'S 2 spare clips 30 sec respawn 2 Focus rifles 2 spare clips 180 sec respawn 1 Grenade launcher 2 spare clips 180 sec respawn
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Hello , this is a well thought out map, really competitive lay out, your mlg skills show on how your maps are layed out, using many alternitive routs some depending on your skill level eg using crouch jumps to get to elevated parts of the map. I like how u have captured the tree in the map. U are good at setting out inclinez and map structure competitively. Nice forging
You've got a very serious problem with your spawns. An example of what I mean can be found in the link below. Gulch 7 Your map is basically unplayable with the current state of your spawns. Shame, cause aesthetically and gameplay-wise (other than the spawns, of course), it's a great map, but problems this big can't be avoided. I hope you fix this or find someone to fix it for you soon, cause this map is not looking too good with this problem at hand. If you can fix that, it's an 8/10, but with spawn problems this bad, the most I can go is a 3/10.
I had a problem with spawns in play tests.I have added more spawns and an anti spawn to try help with this.I guess it hasnt worked.I will delete all spawns ,respawns and zones and redo the system how ive been doing my new maps as they all seem to work.Thank you for the feedback.I will resolve all problems soon [br][/br]Edited by merge: Spawn issues are now resolved on this map.
All spawn issues are resolved.This map plays ffa really well.I have 6 new maps i will be posting soon