Crooked Crown (Updated)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by squidhands, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Based off of the comments I got from you guys, I've updated both the map and gametype. Enjoy!!!

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    After playing Shock Theta's excellent Control Room King, I was inspired to make a map that incorporated two gametypes in one. Crooked Crown is the result. A true arena style map, this four level squared circle is the definition of symmetrical. The weapon and equipment placement allow for a very balanced but insanely chaotic game. With the exception of the Spartan Laser, all of the power weapons will spawn at different times after the start of the game. There is even an entire walkway complete with a flamethrower that spawns on the 4th level after the first few minutes.
    There are a total of six two-way teleporters placed throughout the map, two each on the first three levels. All are set to the same channel for some random teleporting. The levels are broken down like this:

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    -The main level is the Pit, and is where the eventual Hill will spawn. There is little in actual cover, especially from the upper levels, but there are a Bubble Shield and a Regenerator to help you out if you're quick enough. One of the two teleporters will take you inside a fence box where you can find some nice goodies for your troubles. You can be killed in here if an opponent catches you, so you'll have to be quick and get out.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    -The second level is the most enclosed of the four, but that won't save you. With only two teleporters and a few spots to leap to the Pit level, you won't have a whole lot of room to maneuver when a flame grenade is hurled at your head.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    -The third level is deceptive; although you can see your opponent from the opposite side, there are shield doors placed at intervals that prevent you from having nothing less than stellar aim and timing. There are also fence walls laid out horizontally to serve as an extra ledge and walkway to move around easier on this level.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]
    -The only way to make it up to the 4th is to either respawn there or take the Grav Lift from the 3rd floor. The Spartan Laser is located on this level, and a few minutes into the game, so is the flamethrower. There is practically no cover here, so camp at your own risk.

    With a twelve minute run time, the first eight minutes are FFA Slayer; with two points for every kill. The last four are when the Hill spawns: 1 point for every second you're in the Hill, and an extra two when it's uncontested. There is no point limit, so the final score can be pretty high. The Assault Rifle is your only starting weapon, and starting grenades have been turned off. Base player movement is at 110%, and drops back to 90% when you're in the Hill. There's also a two second respawn trait of invulnerability to help out if you respawn right in the middle of a firefight. Shields recharge 110% faster outside of the Hill and at 90% inside. You have 110% damage resistance in the Hill, and are only able to deal out 90% of the normal damage. This should help make it a little less of a "shoot, die, respawn" game at the end, but there will be lots of killing.
    !!Download the Crooked Crown gametype here!!

    Despite it's design simplicity, this map took me an ungodly amount of time to create and work out all the kinks and tweaks. My friends and I have had a blast playing this map, and I hope you will too. Please let me know what you think; some of you have already played the original version, and I would like to know what you think of the update. From the maps I've seen and played from Forge Hub, I would value all of your thoughts and criticisms greatly.

    Here's a slideshow of all the pics I've taken. Since I don't have access to the wonderful ways of a capture card, I crammed in as many pictures into it as photobucket would allow me to. Enjoy and Happy Killing!
  2. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    I'll check it out. It looks interesting to say the least.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    Thank you, sir. I'll definitely be interested to hear what you think.
  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    I think this is an interesting map aswell(TrueDark stole my word. I was gonna use interesting 1st!) I like it! Needs more attention..
  5. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slideshow}}

    The map looks pretty well put together. The gametype sounds a bit chaotic but from the descripton I take that is what you where going for. I'll give this map a DL and some feedback here soon.
  6. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    Hmm, I just noticed.. are the teleporters camp-proof? Atleast 2 ways in so as soon as you go through the teleporter you dont get Shottied?
  7. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    I hate when the happens orange! :mad:
  8. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    A group of us just finished playing it, and there's a few things we noticed.

    ~The spawn points need to be rearranged (a few of us spawned facing each other or in some cases a wall)
    ~Walls and floors need to be straightened
    ~Gametype is too long (try making it 5 min slayer, 5 min hill)
    ~The hill is too hectic (I don't know how to fix this, maybe make the hill accessible on level 2 only)

    Don't take any of this offensively. We are just trying to help you improve your map.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    No offense taken. I appreciate the criticism.

    -What do you think is the best way to fix the respawn points? Changing them from Neutral seems obvious; the only reason I didn't was that I was under the impression that the game took into account the proximity of your opponents. I will definitely move the ones that are facing walls. Must be the ones in the second level.
    -I noticed on one of the screenshots I posted that one of the walls was leaning in. That really pissed me off. That will be fixed because I am waaaay OCD about stuff like that. Do you happen to remember what part/level of the floors are out of whack?
    -That's easily done.
    -I kind of like that the Hill is hectic, but your idea of having it on another level intrigues me...
    -by the way, how many people did you play the map with? I've only played with a total of four people (my wife and another married couple. It replaces counseling in a profound way...). Never mind, I just looked at your Service Record. I'd love to watch that. Any way you could put that on your Fileshare for me to view?

    And to Orangeremi, in my playing experience, the teleporters are about as camp-proof as they can be. It's the main reason I choose to make them random. The folks that I've played this with aren't big campers, and I'm not too fond of it either. I haven't had that be a problem on this map, but if you do and can think of a good way to eliminate this, by all means let me know.
  10. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    My fileshare is filled to the brim with maps and gametypes. Ask someone else who was in the game.
  11. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    You could boot 'em. Anyway, I asked this question because I wanted to make sure your map wouldn't be immune to me...Teh Camp King!
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    I should have known. Thanks anyway, I sent a request to Shock Theta.

    Well, good luck trying. My friend's wife can own us all with the shotty sometimes, but it hasn't worked out for her too well on this map.
  13. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    Good job so far, on my mental list for a play through after you update. I'm glad my game could help inspire you some way.

    As I said in my PM, and here for the benefit of others if they can help out, my recent games list was empty for some reason, I didn't unplug my box or anything and was on LIVE so I'm very confused. But in the meantime I suggest you ask around for the film clip, I imagine someone else can help you out. Sooner rather than later for the best chance.
  14. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    how do u make it ffa slayer then make it add the 2-3 points inside the hill
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    Make two or more hills, and only have one that spawns within the confines of the map you've created. You can then go into the KOTH settings and change the kill points from the standard 0 to whatever you want. When you set your Hill timers, make sure the one inside your map spawns in the order you want it to. In my case I've set it to spawn in the last five minutes of the game. This is why the gametype is a must.
  16. Sagan

    Sagan Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    We tried it out....lots of fun...but I'd have to agree about the spawns and the time being a bit long.

    It could also probably do with reducing the KOH points by 1 for contesting and 2 for holding the there is alot of killing going on down there already. There was one teleporter in one corner that never seemed to come on as well..
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm tweaking the map again to adjust for the spawns and I'm going to adjust the numbers for the scoring. So did you have the same problem with spawning right next to a respawning opponent? And which level was the teleporter on? I have a receiver node that's not turned on located on the 3rd level that is holding down some pallets that serve as the floor.

    Any way I could get you to load it up on your fileshare so I could watch your game? I'd love to see it played by a large group of people...
  18. Sagan

    Sagan Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    that must be what I saw.....I'll send it up to my fileshare

    It is in slot 19 <--- Link

    It was one of the first maps of the night...we started out with 4 or 6 folks, but had 8 by the time the hill came up. Hope it helps out.
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    Sweet!! Thank you sir, that would be awesome!

    I downloaded it and just watched it. It was great!! Thanks again for putting it up on your fileshare. I think I'll drop the time down to a 10 minute match and have the Hill spawn in the last two. That might help out on the scoring. Besides the spawns, any other comments/criticisms?
  20. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Re: Crooked Crown: Two gametypes in one for controlled mayhem!!!{{Pics & Slidesh

    wow looks crazy... have you fixed the things that people suggested yet? if you have i would like to play it with you.

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