I trolled an Australian kid that messaged me like ten times calling me a cyberbully and some other of my friends and said he will never play with us again in a extremely high voice. Then I replied to him and I told him I want him back on my friends list and he came back, so I trolled him again Im in the third phase of trolling him right now
And you know it's amazing the extent people go to to piss people off. Top 3 Hater moments 3: I was playing a game of MLG one day( if your reading this Pegasi I was interested in it until this happened.) on halo 3. Well first off I hated gameplay for my own reasons, and most games were just fagtards on MLG guardian wich was ALWAYS picked camping like whores on the tree base with the power eels and BRs. Well I finally got a game ofMLG CTf going on MLG pit, and I was being a stealth ninja since the cqc hating MLG didn't add me swOrd. Well I capped the flag twice and barely too these guys had anklets posted everywhere, well they cap twO flags as well. So it ended as amstalemate but I had been raping with asassinations in that game and so this one dude that sounded abOut 20 started going into a Rage festival o. How I was a ****in noon and how I'm prob an AR ***** who can't aim for ****. Well we went back and forth until he rage quitter after I gave him an insult to the effect of go **** your mother so you can actually UAE kids. 2. Once again ,MLG. But it was w kid who was named a name I despised. MLG snIper god. I held my tounge but this lil squeaker wouldn't stfu. So after I kicked his ass in FFA with a shotty and a lazor, I get a challenge to 1v1 by this same kid. I declined but he kept spamming. Well I accepted and I invited him to slayer on last resort. Well he told me to join his game so I decided to humor him. Well before I know it I'm playing a ****ed up game of mlg ts. It's br sniper start and no nades. Well I said he'll no ****** change it to AR mag. Well after argueinv we agreed br AR on guardian. I kicked his ass to kingdom come with my AR skills(dont wanna hear it) and he simply said with a break in his tiny lil squeaker voice **** you. And left. 1: this was on a custom game in reach. We were Playing factIons which was not about killing. Well this guy takes my sword and he refuses to hand it over so my friend kills him. He kills me after 3 spawn rapes. Then guess what this 22 yr old man did. He joins my ****ing team and cussed me out. He made constant slander toasted me Which made me laugh but when he told me my mom was at his house and I said she wasn't and I told mom to say hi and Pulled the headphones away before he insulted her. In the end he pretended to rape me so I had him kicked and I called him a pedoshit. I swear by it people sometimes.
I get hate messages all the time in Team Classic for some reason. I went somewhere around 20 and three with the Plasma Repeater on Rat Race and got called a scrub from a guy who had his tool of destruction as grenades. He only got around five kills with well over ten deaths that game, which made it all the sweeter. I also get rage mail for using Active Camo when it's available as a loadout sometimes. If it was Armor Lock or Evade I could understand, but Active Camo? Even Hologram is arguably better than it. My guess is the kid plays a lot of Street Fighter and can't accept that he's bad at a video game. I don't think you know what trolling is, bro.
lol. little kids on xbox live are so hilarious. they way things and then change their minds a few minutes later. I that is why it is fun to play matchmaking.
I played a game of Community BTB the other day and spent 90% of the game with the sniper rifle. My mic was unplugged and I was playing with randoms. I kept hearing a little kid go rage mode over the game and wouldn't stop blaming the team when he died after rushing the other side of the map. He got mad at EVERYTHING and started blaming me; when I stole his kill (saved his life) with the sniper, he comes up to me and starts punching me saying, "GIVE ME THE SNIPER" and wouldn't stop blaming me (one with most kills - best K/D on the team) for his faults. After shooting me randomly every few minutes, I plugged my mic in, turned around (and watched him stare at me + say, "yeah, thats right") and shot him in the face. He FREAKED out on me and spent the last 5 mins of the game trying to betray me. He couldn't hit me with grenades when I was right next to him, not noticing his presence. He finally kills me with rockets and I boot him. At the end, I got tons of voice messages saying (I'll make it more appropriate),"(have sexual relations) u you stupid (white person; a saltine)" I reply with an incredibly thought-out response stating that there was no logic nor was there anything that wasn't a recycled, harmless curse phase contained in his post. His response... "you are saying the stupidest comebacks ever go back to comeback school" I told him to check his File Browser > "Pictures of You" I took a picture of the moment that he was shot in the face by me with a title "LOL UMAD SCRUB?" xD
The above story is funny. It's also why I don't use my mic and mute all when playing with randoms, and delete most hate messages without responding to them. The XBox Live community is amazingly full of petulant little idiots. (But it makes me more grateful when I play with someone that obviously knows what they're doing and DOESN'T do crap like that at all.)
I have never gotten a hate message. Once, in Community BTB, it was i and a clan of seven. We won with 100-3. Their 3 points was my deaths.