Hello, is it possible to make a soft kill zone for humans only in infection for example if a zombie were to walk over a soft-kill zone the zombie would not be affected, only humans. If so, how would I go about this via the forge settings.
Nope it's not possible. I wish it did though, just give the soft kill a team specification and done. But no, bungie denied us this function.
maybe there's a way to build something which leads to a similar effect with the settings, but I'm not sure how without affecting the gameplay :/ Health and so on, maybe something which kills humans but no zombies. IDEA Maybe with a custom powerup that only zombies can pickup, which makes them ... invulnerable? (did I spell this damn word right? xD) AND then, there could be an area where explosives fall down, killing everyone running thorugh WITHOUT the custom powerup Just a thought, be creative, I bet there's a way to get it functional, simple (more or less) and good...
I was going to mention that. You could even do something as simple as placing a wall that zombies can jump over, but humans obviously can't. Just depends what you want to happen.