CENTER]WMD Created by chrisFREER[/CENTER] Get inside the missile silo before you get nuked yourself! A quick experiment in forge to see what I could do with an underused area, this is what I came up with Take the falcon up to the landing pad and run towards the bunker, hit the switch and get inside! turn right immadiately and you might be lucky enough to see the fireworks from the bar! Otherwise swing left and you'll be headed for the control room! Take the elevator on the other side of the control room to go see the missile in its silo and the small refueling station! Here you have the control centre Alternately you can find the R&R station up here. Don't worry you're perfectly safe that's not glass The missile silo itself with the fuel cells directly ahed. Doesn't really do it justice This was just a quick experiment over 2/3 hours to see what I could create in a different area, I liked the results so I thought I'd share them with you as a bit of fun, its nowhere near the best it could be, but as I said it was an experiment! So tell me what you think!
I like a lot of your maps. They are fun and original and this one is no different despite how much time you put into it. It is not the best looking map out there but that is not saying it is bad looking either. I'd say overall it is a good idea maybe work on a bit complex v2?