Post #1: TGIF 12 Post #2: Intro. I am doing things backwards. Anyway, hey there Forge addicts and forum creepers. I might as well introduce myself as I plan to stick around. If you want juicy details on my "history" go to my bio. I don't necessarily feel like typing all that again. I'm here for map traffic. Rated bad or not, I want my maps to be played by others. I love making maps for various engine level editors, from Valve's Hammer to Runic's TorchED. I've learned that getting people to play my maps and rate them is key among an ambitious mapper such as myself, hence my registering here. I also, like all of us, love playing custom content. I hope to download and play a multitude of maps and I plan on attending as much TGIFs as I can. (TGIF sounds awesome already, can't wait). Anyway, nice to meet you all. Hope to see you on Friday or around the forums! By the way, call me Neff or Geek if you feel like shortening my name.
I feel like I'm going to regret saying that last part Nice to know I'm welcome. This is a very polite community, in contrast to others I've been a part of. Can't wait to get my maps out there.
I strongly believe that you will fully enjoy and be satisfied by the forums we have here Neff or Geek
Post number 1028 for me was the introduction. After I had become a member of the staff here No big deal, really!
Should've just said "call me Neff". I guess I'm not doing things too backwards after all . Can't wait to get some good criticism on my maps!
In that case, I've posted two of my maps already, Finale in the casual section and Turbine in the competitive section. Head on over and try them out! (Or click the links in my sig to go right to their respective threads. Currently working on a few of my older maps, sprucing them up a bit and what not so I can get them posted as well.
Kebab? Ohai Neff.. If you ever need any pointless advice on subjects that dont even make sense to myself.. feel free to ask me
Pssh don't ask Steve, he's the "special" staff member. and by special I mean clinically insane/mentally handicapped/unsure of sexuality. Welcome!